: New Comic -- Massively Multiplayer

this is a new comic a friend and I are making, the site is pretty simple right now, but we'll get things started soon, will be updated bi-weekly, post on our forums if youre interested!


well, its not possible to crit you with just one comic, but considering what you've given us to go on...

1- your art is fairly generic. but its still not that bad. its technically prfeicent, but could still use some work.
2- your first joke in your first comic is breaking the 4th wall and about being famous. most people here'll tell you you're off to a bad start.
3- use backgrounds. or atleast solid colors. it looks REALLY boring.
4- use a comic book font.
5- i couldn't find your comic link. you have links to everything on your main page except the comic, which is a text link in times. have a graphic link like you do t everything else. no, instead, put the comic on the main page. no one cares about news updates. atleast give them a pretty picture to greet them on the main page.
6- finally, in your little banner/title thing at the top, the character in the gray shirt has brown hair, but in the comic, he has blond hair. just a major inconsistency you might wanna clear up.

thats really all anybody can say at this point. i'd advise coming back when you've got more then one.

...and it you do have more then one, i'm not seeing it, so
7- work on having an easy to find and use archive system.

well, its not possible to crit you with just one comic, but considering what you've given us to go on...

1- your art is fairly generic. but its still not that bad. its technically prfeicent, but could still use some work.
2- your first joke in your first comic is breaking the 4th wall and about being famous. most people here'll tell you you're off to a bad start.
3- use backgrounds. or atleast solid colors. it looks REALLY boring.
4- use a comic book font.
5- i couldn't find your comic link. you have links to everything on your main page except the comic, which is a text link in times. have a graphic link like you do t everything else. no, instead, put the comic on the main page. no one cares about news updates. atleast give them a pretty picture to greet them on the main page.
6- finally, in your little banner/title thing at the top, the character in the gray shirt has brown hair, but in the comic, he has blond hair. just a major inconsistency you might wanna clear up.

thats really all anybody can say at this point. i'd advise coming back when you've got more then one.

...and it you do have more then one, i'm not seeing it, so
7- work on having an easy to find and use archive system.

i appreciate your advice, we're currently working on most of those, i'll post again once i've updated everything sometime later this week so that you can get a better idea

Post again when you have more comics up. I say have at least 10. You can't tell from one comic, because every comic is a hit or miss with each person.

10, hell 20.

You realize that the URL makes it look like a site for people with massive limps*, right?

*or lymph nodes

When I first saw the title of this thread, "Massively Multiplayer", was going to be a comic about people who interact with each other on an MMORPG. It would be like that other comic, Elf Only Inn, except a little different. There is probably a lot of humorous material about what goes on in an MMORPG like Everquest, etc.and there is a lot of potential to write a comic. It would be pretty original, and could syphon an audience from people who play MMORPGs. If you would like to use this idea, I am selling it for $3.75.