: mister meh

mister meh
any of you guys read the 'dark materials' books? it's one of my favorite series. i was wondering if anybody has drawn stuff from those novels. here's a pic of one of the characters (i can't say 'favorite' because i like 'em all!).


Cool! he was cool. :D I like the art style a lot too. You gonna draw a Lyra? :D

Chikin, I'll never forgive you for quitting articide... sniff..

The Unknown Comic
I really like that.

Is this rendition yours?

It is really done well.

mister meh
chikin: well, i was wondering if any of y'all have 'dark materials' sketches lying about and would like to post them? i'd like to see! i have a rough ink of a witch and one of Scoresby.. but that's all.

unknown: yup - the rendition was mine. i don't think i strayed too far from the books' description... except he's white instead of yellow... and looks more like a gerbil than a polar bear:\ thanks!

btw: is there a way to change the subject heading fer this thread? it en't about me, it's about these books!

Nah, haven't done any yet...I think I'm gonna though. :D 's been a while since I've read it though, so I might have to do some "revision"...awww, poor me. XD

Post Scoresby! :D

Mister meh! How YOU dooin'?

You gotta ask a mod to change the thread title. But you do draw the most awesome things. I'd harrass you for an art trade if I had the time to draw you anything.

What are those books about, anyway?

I've read all the Dark Materials books although I haven't drawn anything from them (and probably won't to be honest). Your picture of Iorek Bynison is really excellent. One of my favourite parts in the series is the battle between him and the other bear at the end of book one.

Have you just read the books recently? I finished the last one about a year ago. I really enjoyed them. Philip Pullman is an amazing author.