: When did you get the "bug"?

There's a point for everybody, where drawing and building comics (Or anything creative for that matter) hits you as something you're simply ALWAYS doing. When did that start for you? And what were ya doin?

When I was real young, I use to spend hours drawing away on Kid Pix. I started doing slideshows, and by setting the slide time to "0" I could make animations. That was how it first started. I wrote a moving comic about a character called, "The Eater". He basically devowered everything on the screen. Buildings, people etc. It was fun and creative. I've been learning new ways to use the computer as a tool for my work ever since that time.. what about you?

as far back as i can recall, i've liked drawing and comics and especially cartoons.
according to my mom, batman was always my favorite, but i thought it was spiderman...'eh...either way, batman has been a huge influence on me for year and years and years, now.

i've always had this character in my head and thousands of adventures and that such since i was 7...i'm giving thought to doing a hand drawn comic and plopping it up on drunk duck sometime next year.

but long story short, i've always wanted to be a cartoonist.

...actually, i was thinking about this the other day, and then it hit me- it really really is amazing in a way, that the web can let little scamps such as ourselves put stuff up on the web like this.

...my appologies for such a rambly post. i've yet to eat anything today and i'm weak from hunger.

I drew comic about a guy named Mr. Pencil and another character Dave, the Cool Dude, who saved the world on his skateboard...

That was about 8 years ago...

Erik the Hack
I got the bug one Summer when I was about 10 or so. I spent a lot of time reading old Peanuts treasuries over vacation, and I had my first idea for a comic strip, TWE (http://www.dt3x.com/twev2/index.php), being somewhat inspired by Lucy as the psychiatrist. I thought it would be cool to expand on this idea a bit, and have a kid lose himself in multiple "adult" stereotypes. I never actually sat down and wrote a strip until a couple of years ago, but--when I did--I found that I enjoyed it. It's a great diversion for me, seeing as my day job (software design) is pretty much devoid of this type of creativity.

Litazia Tanxashira
I draw a lot. Always trying to get better and all that. Also did the odd cartoon. No strip or anything, just a cartoon. (Which reminds me, I still have an old one somewhere... hrm...)

In second year (1997-98), I bought a sketchbook and drew in it... and created a cartoon character called Ralph the Raptor. It was basically an excuse to draw a talking dinosaur going to school. I started having fun with it, and he was basically a cult character with my friends.

It was then that I realized, y'know, comics can just be darn fun!

I "caught the bug" in fourth grade,which was about..um...4 years ago, after i read a foxtrot book. I cant remember which, but i think it was the one where...whatever. I read that book about 13 times through, and the cover and back fell off. Only the binder remains! Anyway, my first comic was about a kid and a pig...mostly stealing jokes from calvin and hobbes! My second was about a family that was really advanced in technology. I did about 10 strips for it. I dumped it when i decided it sucked. My third strip was what you see today, it came in various forms, revised again and again and again! I hope to put on the internet some of my earlier work someday.

I was born with the bug, actually. But then I lost it somewhere in high school. Then after college I found it again. Now I keep him in a little mayonaise jar, so he can't escape again. And I put a little twig with a leaf in the jar, to recreate his natural habitat.

I got the "bug" from a Mexican hooker.

I was bit when I was back in elementary school... always doodling wizards, dragons, and other such stuff.

It wasn't until college that the bite became a full blown infection though. Now like 90% of my free time is involved with drawing, inking, coloring, or reading webcomics. ::sigh:: I don't know how my girlfriend puts up with it all..... heh

I'd been drawing stuff since I could manipulate a pencil well enough to do recognisable shapes. I remember doing a lot of Star Trek: TNG stuff about half way through first season. I was like 4 then. Ninja Turtles, Batman, more Ninja Turtles. Then I started reading more comics and some manga like Guyver and started drawing that. Around 6th grade, I started fooling around with original robot designs. Many many many robots. Like how many Gundams are there in existance? That many. None of them were Gundams though even though I lived in Hawaii and there were Gundams there WAY before Cartoon Network. Around that time I started doing comic stuff. From one page splash sheets to actual comic book style. It was fun. I started doing sci-fi ships and more robots and dragons, monsters, etc. Got in trouble at school for doodling too much in 8th grade. Partly because some of the stuff was a little disturbing to my teachers. One strip I remember doing in 8th grade and then again in high school was "The Jaw." Some guy walked around and his mouth would balloon out and either devour or scream and scare the crap out of something, like a T-rex in Jurassic Park. After it stepped on Barney. There was/is a lot of Barney angst. Hmm. I should do a comic about weird people like that now... That'd be fun. And then last December I decided to start a sprite comic. And now I spend a lot of my time doing those. As well as doodling continually in my boring a** classes.

Wow. I said a lot, didn't I? A whole lot of nothing. Sorry, still rambling. Need sleep. And food. Sorry.

When I was, like, six or seven I made little cartoons that went nowhere and usually ended up with everyone dying at the end or some other form of deus ex machina. Then I stopped drawing for ten years and started the comics in 2001. The art you see in my first comics is actually how I used to draw at age seven.

I can't even remember! I've never not been drawing or reading. My mom bought me comic books before long trips even before I could read them. I have a huge collection of 25 cent garage sale books of Peanuts, Broom Hilda, Mad Magazine and others that I read religiously. It wasn't until I discovered the X-Men and the Dragonlance comic adaptions in 6th grade that I really wanted to be a comic book artist/writer. My tastes have changed considerably, of course, and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't still be writing and drawing. But reminiscing like this, I'm really wishing to reread Elfquest right now!

I think I always HAD the bug. I used to doodle a lot, and write a lot, but I never put them in the same place until I was 19. Which is really annoying, really. XD

I am bug-free.

Actually, I drew a lot when I was a kid, up until 2nd grade or so. Horses and that kind of stuff. Then I didn't pick up a pencil again until '98, and didn't really get back into drawing until 2000. Considering I'm entirely self-taught, I don't think I do too bad. But I never considered my drawing to be one of my driving forces.

I was 6. I loved Garfield. That was back when Garfield was great. I then got into Calvin and Hobbes and Foxtrot, and I was so inspired I drew hundreds of strips of my own!

Dark Artist
I have been drawing most of my life but the web comic bug hit me hard abiut 2 years ago.

I did not even know web comics existed untill a friend of mine introduced me to Boy meets Boy (http://boymeetsboy.keenspot.com). That was when i got bit. By the time i was done reading BMB i had to have a comic of my own.

(what i really wanted was all the fans that artist had, but alas it was not meant to be.)

So, for nearly two years know i have been a comic drawing fiend.


turbo kiwi
Hmm... As long as I can remember really, It started with fingerpaints and crayons, moved to copying cartoon characters, creating my own characters, and now studying animation in college.

I got the bug when I was little. Took medication for it. Couldn't get rid of it. Cried. Denied it. Acceptance.

We're all so proud of you, KC....

Well, I believe it began a little before I created the comic I currently run. I first began creating characters (different from the comic) and wondered how I would use them. After a while I created the two main characters and also developed the story.

So, I guess creating characters encouraged my interest in creating the story then.

When I was a baby, three good witches came down and gave me the gifts of beauty, intelligence and artistic-ness. Then an evil witch cursed me so that when I grew up I would prick my finger on a spinning wheel and fall into an eternal sleep until my prince charming came.

Actually I always read Archie comics and in school I used to draw my whole class as reflections of their personality - my friend Matt was a hairball...

I also sold my soul to a guy called Steve in exchange for a magical pencil, and some beans.