: Sciuridae

Haven't seen anyone mention this yet. Not only does accident victim Grace Sciuridae have a last name that's the genus for squirrel, but a dictionary tells me that the derivation is from the Greek skia -- meaning shadow -- and oura -- meaning tail.

So where do we go from knowing that there was an original Grace Shade Tail? Is our Grace a clone of the accident victim and not actually related to the other Project Lycanthrope creations? Is the male General Shade Tail in the other universe actually their version of a sibling or a parent? (Sciuridae/Shade Tail, remember, is a last name.)

Wouldn't this have been better off in the Story Reaction? Did it really need its own thread?

Yes, that is a good point. Maybe there is more to this other Grace than meets the eye.

The squirrel reference had been bought up in a reaction thread, but the shadow tail is new, I believe. Good spotting.

Dan = Genius

Wouldn't this have been better off in the Story Reaction? Did it really need its own thread?

Didn't want to post it under one of last week's story headings where nobody would go back and see it. I could have started a separate thread in the Reaction section, I guess... I started it here after I saw that someone else had done so to discuss the car accident; I was going to add it to that thread but it seemed to me to be off the subject, at least the way that subject was going.

shade tail! whee!

K. Ivan Ruppert
I don't know exactly how to interperate that. My knee-jerk reaction is to think that Grace's last name being latin for "Squirrel" (AND "Shade Tail") is a little too much of a coincidence. Are there other characters with symbolic names that I've missed?


Teddd, from the Romanic T'edd. Meaning a person of many fetishes.

shade tail! whee!

You sneaky, sneaky bastard Dan. We love you.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
You sneaky, sneaky bastard Dan. We love you.
I agree, both counts. Can I have your firstborn?

I agree, both counts. Can I have your firstborn?

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Well I figured no one else was brave enough to ask...

Dan, did you plan that, knowing both Latin and Greek, was it accidental, or did you file it away years ago as random trivia that could be used later?

I wish I could speak Greek. Sine eo, ego sum dimidus litteratus.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
No, it's a total coincidence that the character that can turn into a squirrel is named after the origin of the word squirrel. *rolls eyes*

No, it's a total coincidence that the character that can turn into a squirrel is named after the origin of the word squirrel. *rolls eyes*

Wow! I wonder what the odds are of that happening?

One to a million? ;)

One to a million? ;)

Meaning 9 out of ten.

Angelus Lupus
I get that, but does anyone else?

Liam Slider
I get it too.

...i'm confused. of course had this been a japanese refrence i would have got it but i'm just begining study of latin and the only greek i get is from my dad

Angelus Lupus
Ok, for those that don't know it's a Discworld (Terry Practchett) reference. I advise you all to read the books. The basic idea behind the reference is that million-to-one chances happen nine times out of ten, due (mainly) to narrative causality.

I get that, but does anyone else?

I guesse Tropylium would get it from the ;) in his post.