: A Simple Plea From Teh Bunnies!

Some of the IRC chatters and I were talking earlier, and we realized something: we need more people in the chat. After discussing this problem for a while (mainly due to lag), we realized we need to simply make more people aware of its existence.

And to do that, I make a small plea to Dan: Please include a link/blurb/something about the irc chat room on the main page somewhere. Nothing too big or flashy; a simple hyperlink will suffice.

And for those bunnies who are unaware of the chat, it's located on irc.nightstar.net in #egs. Come join the fun!

im there now

Do what now? an EGS chat???

cow bell man

Angelus Lupus

Hmm, IRC you say? No thanks.

I'm a founding member of the NoIRC association, thank you...
While I won't object to anyone joining the channel – I'll pass myself.

Angelus Lupus
Any particular reason?

IRC is evil and soul-stealing?

Angelus Lupus
if you say so
*looks for soul*

whenever i pop in no one is talking so i dont hang around

Angelus Lupus
's what happened to me.

patchwork cat
International Reply Coupon? I didn't think they did those anymore.

*It took PC about three weeks to think up this witty reply- this, claims the Cat is the reason for not IRCing*
Is that a demonic duck? Or are you just pleased to see me *runs*
whenever i pop in no one is talking so i dont hang around

So do I :(

Maybe It would be a good idea to arrange a "chat meeting" here in the forums.

I don't know enough about the IRC channel. Is it costing anyone anything? How does it work? Why are people opposed to it, and not just "oh it's evil" reasons that don't accomplish anything?

It doesn't really cost anything, even though it says you need to pay something. It's just like any other chat. I'm not really sure, maybe people don't like the primitive layout and the some-what confusing setup. I hope that answered some questions.

IRC is...odd i guess I want to say. I never really ever got around to learning it or understanding it on any other level than the basics i needed to go where i wanted. In fact I've only ever used 3 chat rooms in the entire 4 years I've had it.

It's just a chat room interface nothing fancy or horribly confusing. Heck I dont even really know where the El Goonish chat is i just follow the link off of the thread in the keepspot forum. I'm sure i could find it if I had to.

The only true evil is AOL, everything else pales in comparison.

I don't know enough about the IRC channel. Is it costing anyone anything? How does it work? Why are people opposed to it, and not just "oh it's evil" reasons that don't accomplish anything?
The IRC channel doesn't cost a dime. The server might, but it's hosted by someone else that has no real connection to EGS at all.

As for the whole "IRC is evil", that mainly stems from the fact that most people associate chatting online with AOL. And trust me, IRC has nothing to do with AOL at all.

And trust me, IRC has nothing to do with AOL at all.
Amen to that brother!

Well Dan, as a veteran IRC user for nearly 10 years, I can safely say that it costs absolutely nothing to own or maintain a channel, and it's free to use. It is a rather simple interace, but it can get diffucult if you try to do something too complex. As for the people opposed to it, I dunno. I personally like it better than all other chat utilities. You can download it at many different sites. I personally recommend mIRC, which you can get at http://www.mirc.com. I hope to see you there.

Toby Ferret
I've never used it, don't really know how. But it seems pretty popular, since I hear about it all the time from other people and through other boards.
If I knew how to do it or whatever, I'd be game at chatting through it. I like chatting with people.

Once you learn the basic commands it's really simple. Don't worry, if you use it for at least two days you'll start learning how to use it with ease.

Here's a quick guide I was directed to a while ago. Don't remember where or who, but credit to them anyway.


As for the whole "IRC is evil", that mainly stems from the fact that most people associate chatting online with AOL. And trust me, IRC has nothing to do with AOL at all.
Nice suggestion, but that's nowhere near my case. I'm mainly avoiding addiction, and I'm not much of a chatmonkey anyway.

This whole "NoIRC association" thing is actually just a prolonged inside joke...

Heh, if you like chatting, go on... many of even my IRL friends meet each other more in IRC than face-to-face. Not sure whether that's a good or bad thing though.

What I find strange is that there can be ten people in there, but not a lot of talking. And then at other times, there's three people active and the thing just scrolls off the board. Wierd. :ermm:

But then again, I'm used to that sort of thing. ^_^

I only visit three other established chat rooms, and the busiest is nowhere near a, say, #gamemaker or #eternal (I think that's it...in it's heyday, anyway).

Why I'm saying all this, hell I don't even know, but it's information nonetheless. More bunnies to the channel! The community must live! Viva la IRC! O.O

I'm in there every time I'm on mIRC, because it's in my autoperform buffer. Apparently I'm not only just an "old-timer" to that channel, I'm an Ancient, up there with Treen. And actually, if I'm not mistaken, I may just be older to that channel than even Treen...

*looks through logs*

Hell, I might even be older to the channel than EvilElf, who stopped coming to the channel...it might even be that only Bo is older than me...

But that depends on how long the channel existed prior to Saturday, August 5, 2003...

Ah, Wednesday, September 3, 2003, first instance of Treen that I found in my logs...

Is it possible to connect to nightstar and quakenet at the same time? It probably isn't, but I don't have much of a clue about irc...I've only been using it to connect to 3 channels for a year now :p Or if that's not possible in window, can you open two irc windows and connect to one in each?

Liam Slider
If you run the IRC program twice, or use a client that allows connections to multiple servers it is.

Cool, thanks for that :happy:

I think more people would chat if there was some scheduled time when everyone hung out on nightstar. For instance, for It's Walky people the comic updates at about 10 PM EST every night. So if you go into that IRC channel anywhere between 8 and 11, there'll usually be some people hanging around there. The biggest problem is that when people go in, and see no one there they leave immediately, which effectively prevents anyone from ever being there unless 2 or 3 people happen to magically enter at the same time.

I would chat, but my hours are so freaky and my connection at home is so cruddy that it makes it very hard. (guess that's what happens when you choose to live way out in the country. lol

Is it possible to connect to nightstar and quakenet at the same time? It probably isn't, but I don't have much of a clue about irc...I've only been using it to connect to 3 channels for a year now :p Or if that's not possible in window, can you open two irc windows and connect to one in each?
mIRC handles this no problem. I highly recommend it.

What you do with mIRC is just open a new server in a new window (syntax: /server -m [insert server here]), and you can run multiple channels at once in there, along with private messages.

ooo, I'll have a go at that now!

- (is one of the majority of mirc users who really actually doesn't know how to use most of its functions)