: Holy Super Demolition Christ, Combustible Orange returns frequently!

Frank G
Hi kids,

I used to frequent this board for awhile and partake in the whoring of votes for the betterment of the comic strip that I write called Combustible Orange (http://www.combustibleorange.com). For awhile there our comics were coming out infrequently and we instead opted to focus entirely on producing a quality comic on a regular basis rather than looking for viewers. Well, since we no longer have any sense of responsibility, we have dismissed such a flimsy concept. So here I am again, on the list, on the boards and back in your hearts. For most of you, since we're a small comic, you haven't read our comic, ever. So I thought I'd use this post to introduce you to our weekly strip that features Jack Datsun and Vinny Martini, creators of the independent comicbook Barky the Bark Bark Cat, which stars Barky and Super Demolition Christ. Our comic follows their adventures in trying to get published, their encounters at comic conventions with various celebrities such as Jhonen Vasquez and Kevin Smith, as well as just general namedropping and pop culture fuckery (Hack the planet and whatnot).

So here's a link to a few comics to start you off:
Our most popular strip (http://www.combustibleorange.com/z014.php)
Our first strip (http://www.combustibleorange.com/z001.php)
Jhonen Vasquez debuts (http://www.combustibleorange.com/z007.php)
Tycho & Gabe make an appearance at a comic book convention (http://www.combustibleorange.com/z009.php)
Ninjas & Literal Thinking (http://www.combustibleorange.com/z022.php)
Schwartzenegger has to appear (http://www.combustibleorange.com/z027.php)
Our latest full comic, Vinny has a real job (http://www.combustibleorange.com/z032.php)

I'm eager to find out what you all think of our little comic as we've been at it for a year (Even though the first comic was only posted in January), in the next year we hope to put out a full length comicbook and a few other fun projects (Such as a new weekly series to go along with Combustible Orange).

Thanks again,

Chris C.
Kick ass! More, more I tell you!

My precious clockwork... *mhhhhhm*

Were so going to hell...

I enjoyed the line "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" very much so.

good to have you back in the forum

Zach Schleicher
LoL. A very well done comic (viewed the latest one). Err, since I'm sort of new here (more of a lurker), nice to meet you! And uh.. In regards to the forum itself.. WELCOME BACK! Yeaaahhh. Eat some hamsters!

I've heard of you! But I don't think I've seen the comic until now. Very cool stuff. Love the artwork, very cool stuff.

Frank G
Yay :) It feels nice to have people enjoy our work. We have a short story in a comicbook coming out sometime early next year and a few other things in the works as well. Also looking for more opinions :)

I dont like boy bands. Theres my opinion.