: Vote

Hey- the little 'vote' button is working again... Kind-of. I think the votes are counted somehow, though maybe not-- Dan, you might want to talk to TWC about it- you might have to sign up again or something...

ex animo-


It's working now. Everyone go vote.

Hey, I'm already #12! Youse guys rules... and stuff :bunny:

#8 and climbing.

Wowie! It was 16 when I voted a few minutes ago and now it's #7! :O_o:
Those numbers look suspiciously small, though. Did they restart the whole vote system, then?

Wowie! It was 16 when I voted a few minutes ago and now it's #7! :O_o:
Those numbers look suspiciously small, though. Did they restart the whole vote system, then?
yes; I had to re-signup for it

Number 5.

Number 4 ^_^

Number Three!!!


BTW- from the informational email I got this morning, they said that they had to reset everything- all the old standings and votes were lost-- went I left for the lab this morning, Queen of Wands was #1 with something like 37 votes (?)- I don't quite remember the exact number- that being pre-coffee and all, but most of the top 50 had only one vote- I remember searching for EGS- searching... which is what made me start this thread in the first place!

QoW MUST cheat... No offense to any QoW fans out there, but El Goonish is just... Too awesome to beat.

That Radd thing is doing remarkably well. O.o'' Yay for AMD being up there again too. Lets make the most of the lack of CAD on the listings...
QoW MUST cheat... No offense to any QoW fans out there, but El Goonish is just... Too awesome to beat.

That Radd thing is doing remarkably well. O.o'' Yay for AMD being up there again too. Lets make the most of the lack of CAD on the listings...

Don't mock Kid Radd, or you'll have to go over me :p

Anyway, I appreciate the new voting system. Even if they had to use prefabricated software, the new features - like these cool dynamic button images, which show jour current rank and the comment function - are worth it.

#3! EGS has the bronze! woot woot!

It's down to #4 for now, but I was expecting that after seeing the rate that AMD was going up.

Just voted and it was number three. Yay!

It's back to 4 but I wrote in a comment, that should help.

No I'm serious...stop looking at me like that.

We're gaining on Kid Radd (35 behind at this point)

Only ONE short of Kid Radd at the moment...! :cyclops: Too bad that I already voted today. :rolleyes:

[EDIT] 2 minutes later, EGS appears to be back on the bronze pedestal again...

I also read the whole QoW archive this morning. Didn't quite get it. Fun, yes, but not #1 fun...

Well- I read QoW, and it's amusing enough-- of course, I *vote* for EGS, which is the best.

And now at #3, comfortably ahead of Kid Radd, and catching up to AMD!

QoW MUST cheat... No offense to any QoW fans out there, but El Goonish is just... Too awesome to beat.

That Radd thing is doing remarkably well. O.o'' Yay for AMD being up there again too. Lets make the most of the lack of CAD on the listings...
I can see how you'd reach that conclusion, but please don't accuse them of cheating. The way the buttons are coded result in hit miscounts if a different code is used for graphics, which is why some sites have more votes than visits. That is most likely the case with QoW, and the amount of votes would still be accurate.

PS - Thanks for the comments! You can add commentary to EGS's TWC listing by clicking on "post your commments" in the EGS listing; I myself have posted some commentary :bunny:

Well, ok, ok, maybe they don't actually cheat, but there is something odd about it... It's only got six comments, and one of them is negative, and everywhere I go people seem to prefer El Goonish... I dunno.

Just saying El Goonish should be at the top, is all. ^-^ Cos it rules.

That miscount problem sounds mighty odd though.

We're now firmly established in third place, and even seem to be within striking distance of the top two :)
I'm currently reading all of the top four, though I believe the order should be EGS, AMD, KR, QoW. So I'm voting for EGS till it hits #1, and probably for some time afterwards too.

Whee! Number 2 now!!! Hmm, seems that Queen of Wands has left. I wonder what the deal with that is?!?!

A lot of people were upset with QoW coming on to the lists and getting such a high ranking in such a short time. Aerie got tired of the insults on the forums here and on BuzzComix and left.

All is right with the world. AMD and EGS are #1 and #2 on the list. If EGS has to be second to anyone, I'm glad it's AMD.
I like the look of the new list, very...informative. I also like being able to check on EGS' ranking just by looking at the box on the site, very keen.

A lot of people were upset with QoW coming on to the lists and getting such a high ranking in such a short time. Aerie got tired of the insults on the forums here and on BuzzComix and left.
That's a shame... she was where she was on the list legitimatly. Why were people mad with her just because people were voting for her?

It appears that she is blaming me personally for all this, though I only know what she told me in AMD's comments section. Apparently, AMD fans were sending her 45 emails a day insulting her and stuff like that. I don't know how that could happen as I explicitly said I didn't want AMD's being on the list to be a competition when I added the vote button to the site. I haven't had the time to look into her claims yet.

Anyway, I think EGS is a great comic and if you guys get any crap from AMD fans, let me know immediately so I can put a stop to it. Sorry for intruding...

Wow! He was the nicest squid I ever met!

But seriously I guess that goes to show you how in to the top 50 some people get.

That's a shame... she was where she was on the list legitimatly. Why were people mad with her just because people were voting for her? Two reasons I can think of off the top of my head:

1) Most of the people who were less than cordial hadn't heard of her comic; odds are their knowedge of webcomics comes solely from TWC. They resented a newcomer swooping in and grabbing the top spot in such a short time.

2) QoW is targeted at a different audience than most TWC comics. Aerie goes for the post-collegiate, "now what?" crowd, while most other comics are written for high school and college people.

It's a shame, too. Aerie is hella cool and QoW really is a well drawn and well written comic. Too bad a group of elitist fourteen-year olds had to ruin it for her.

I'm glad that EGS and AMD are the top two. They are both very well done and have an excellent mix of humor and story. From what I've seen, Dan and Squidi are both very intelligent and down-to-earth people. I've even started voting for AMD on Buzz (but my votes on TWC are reserved for EGS only! I'm an EGS fan first and foremost!).

Concerning QoW, it may not have been my favorite comic but it was still very good, and it's pretty tragic when fans take this stuff so seriously and go so far...

Yep- I was a bit shocked to see her news about that today- and she's always been up in the top 10 (which is how I first started reading QoW in the first place). My votes (needless to say) always went to EGS, but I have looked at and enjoyed most of the top 10.


At least the comic still exists.

That's a real pity a bunch of stupid kids went and ruined someone's participation in a community like TWC...

At least EGS is #2! :) I gotta look at AMD one of these days...and Kid Radd is fun too. Looks like a very good top 3 currently.

Come on, we only need... 86 more votes!!! Vote like you've never voted before!!!

Do it for the owl that landed on Hedge's head!
Do it or the owl will eat you!

Damn, now I feel really bad... But, to be fair I wasn't attacking QoW, I was just saying how El Goonish rules. I certainly wouldn't ever send nasty e-mails... >.< That's just horrible. What sad lives people live when they spend their time doing something like that... And it's a shame if it really is Squidi's fans, because he deserves a better fanbase than that.

I'm one of Squidi's fans, and I didn't do anything like that.

PS - Thanks for the comments! You can add commentary to EGS's TWC listing by clicking on "post your commments" in the EGS listing; I myself have posted some commentary :bunny:

A very disturbed individual indeed :)

Hehe, I suppose Dan's the one to know him best...

Anyone know how long you have to wait inbetween votes?

One vote per day. not sure when the site rolls over to the next day though.

Come on! 9 votes! Vote!

I guess I should vote too, eh?

I guess I should vote too, eh?
Well... Yeah! :)

Of course- *who* you vote for is your own business!