: SFE Update

Hey all. Just thought i'd come back and give you an update.

Most of you are familiar with my project, SFE (http://www.sci-fi-espresso.com), but while i said it would be ready months ago, i decided to postpone it, and do some other projects.

Well, after 2 months of doing some freelance work, to get better aquainted with PHP and other things, i'm back and ready to get this thing going. I'm not a lead developer for a web development company, so i can afford to do it how i want. Actually, i'm rewriting SFE, and giving it a massive overhaul. Cleaning up the files, the directories, and redoing all my code (Thanks to PEAR (http://pear.php.net) , my code is actually readable) .

Thus far, i've redone the layout (well, a major tweaking, is more like it) to fit and look good in all resolutions. I've solved all the browser compadability issues (i think) and it's on its way. For a look at the new layout, click here (http://www.sci-fi-espresso.com/screenshot1.gif).

Oh, and currently i'm also writing a very complex comic archiving script, which will eventually be an open source project, ie. Free to the public. So sta tuned for that, as i think many comic artists here are in dire need of a good comic archiver.