: Someone ripped me off? haha

It's probably just a coincidence but somebody pointed this out to me.......
Joystick Adventures:




Paper cuts, massive amounts of blood, Kill Bill... Coincidence?

I think it probably was but it was kinda funny when I saw that, I was like hey! I know that!

(JA posted on 16th, WB on the 18th.)


Looks like a coincidence, but I think it is really funny when that happens. I think it's worse for the person who looks like they may have ripped you off, because they're afraid people will think it's a rip-off.

Er.. hm... who else did one of those?


I got ripped off, I had a comic about a video game charactor being human, and this cocksmoker stole the idea.


Movie Comics did one too. I didn't even think about it until I noticed hits from the warbucket forum where they insinuated either movie comics or I were ripping off wb. Then I pointed out that movie comics' went up on the 13th, mine went up on the 17th, and none of us read any of the others' comics.

Then I had some cherry pie

I got ripped off, I had a comic about a video game charactor being human, and this cocksmoker stole the idea.

the irony is that your idea is the idea of someone else's, who if indeed heard of your idea, would think exactly the same way you think now. and it's more than likely that that somebody else's idea is the idea of someone elses, and so forth.

point is, becareful before you get on the "i got ripped off" bandwagon many choose to ride so carelessly...

Uh Zeek. Rule #1 of forums is don't take marine seriously

Uh Zeek. Rule #1 of forums is don't take marine seriously

...my point is a general response to every time someone shouts the rip off game.

Different coincidence along the same lines: this (http://www.dieselsweeties.com/archive.php?s=794) and one month before that, me (http://oatmeal.keenspace.com/d/20030909.html). I get the feeling that we were both thinking of something else though, or it really was that obvious. R. Stevens does it better anyway, duh.

ever notice how sometimes when you read the comics in the paper, there will be like, 5 different comics about or refering to the same subject that day? like golf, or religion or politics or being late for work or something?

i always thought it was a conspiracy.

...and evidently, this 'kill bill' thing is, too...


riping off people is what I'm all about.

"it was my idea to make a shallow, obvious observation about a hugely popular movie first! everyone stole my idea!!!"

I did mine on the 14th, only no paper cut joke...

Talking about coincidenses, The Bucket's first comic (http://www.warbucket.com/comic.php?id=2) is a lot like mine (http://www.joypadcomics.com/june30.html). Not only that, but I coincidently named our first comic "The Bucket".

Talking about coincidenses, The Bucket's first comic (http://www.warbucket.com/comic.php?id=2) is a lot like mine (http://www.joypadcomics.com/june30.html). Not only that, but I coincidently named our first comic "The Bucket".

they arnt exactly THAT similar, although they are. I cant believe anyone would say that they got ripped off, while making a reference to an extremely popular film. The paper cut thing is pretty obvious too because paper cuts are so...soo...whats the word? small? no, that doesnt sound right...ill think of it eventually

Stickmaster Brad
Woah! I made a comic where I accidentally thought WC3:FT was coming out a month early! AW SNAP! CONSPIRINCIDENCE!?!

Erik the Hack
No one ever rips me off... My shrink keeps telling me that probably means something, but he won't say what.

elftor ripped off my comment.


Talking about coincidenses, The Bucket's first comic (http://www.warbucket.com/comic.php?id=2) is a lot like mine (http://www.joypadcomics.com/june30.html). Not only that, but I coincidently named our first comic "The Bucket".

of course their is a syndicated comic called the buckets. they almost share names if that counts for anything

uh, I haven't really read joystick adventures (skimmed about 10 comics) but I noticed that it is 2 guys who are always together and they enjoy video games, or something like that. thats seems kind of like every other comic that involves 2 guys who like games. isn't that sorta ripping someone else off?