: Most underrated web comics

Erik the Hack
Ok, yeah, this thread has probably been done before, but what would you consider the most underrated (i.e. their quality (high) to popularity (low) ratios are way outta wack) comics on the web?

And please, please don't reply "Mine!!!one!!bang!!uno!!exclamazzlemark!!!" or I'll be forced to sick Blurry on your web site and/or ego. :evil: :D

FOG Club (http://fogclub.keenspace.com) or Bizzarre Upraising (http://www.bizarreuprising.com) (Warning: Site contains some adult material)

Most over rated comic: MegaTokyo (The guy's full time job is drawing a comic, which he has trouble doing, and it only takes him roughly 8 hours for a single comic)

I'd have to say As If! (http://www.asifcomic.com/), by far. Why this comic wasn't nominated for a WCCA award is beyond me.


Stickmaster Brad
Neko the Kitty (http://nekothekitty.keenspace.com/)

Quite possibly the best comic to feature cats EVAR!
VG Cats doesn't really count because the cats are more humanoid and play video games. Neko is like a more offensive Garfield. And he smokes! HAHAHAH!

Pure cuteness, to the MAX! EXTREME! YARRRRR!!!

Actually, I think this is quite popular, but come on, READ IT MORE! MORE!

And hell yeah Megatokyo is overated. He needs to stick to a storyline! And without color, all the women look the same! BLAH!

I can think of maybe 3 people in the webcomic world, who need credit for there bizzare, and often offensive material.

KC Green (http://www.greentoons.net) Sure he doesent update as often as the others, but his shadeing is outstanding in areas, and his charactors are beyond bizzare, Sinister and Evil, always and forever.

Dave Kelly (http://davekellycentral.com) The hardest working man in webcomics, an amazing artist, openly 'furry', and animator, deserves link whoreing.

And lastly,

Matt Bowjangles (http://marine.strippers-corner.com/) I love this man, his work amuses me to no end. The hilarity from some of his newer projects which he can take a horrible something, and make it even more horrific.

These 3 men, all have lots in common, great underapreciated artists, amazing with charactor design & developement, and there all conversationalist sociopathic webcomic forum goes.....

first thing that comes to mind - return to sender (http://rts.lunistice.com/)

Id say the first thing that comes to my mind is asylumantics (http://www.asylumantics.com) is very underrated, and blue moon (http://www.bluemooncomic.com) is VERY underated as well. both are extremely good!

Crap, more great webcomics to add to my webcomics section.
Most over rated comic: MegaTokyo (The guy's full time job is drawing a comic, which he has trouble doing, and it only takes him roughly 8 hours for a single comic)I love mt, but you do have a point. 8 hours for a single comic, is a bit excessive. I mean the art itself looks like it would take 1-2 hours, editing 1-2. So it should take about 2-5 hours (an extra from frustration or a screw up variable).
Hmm, for some reason all the comics I read are big, well, Neko the Kitty, but it's already been said.
Eh, but all yah gotta do is just click ascending (http://www.topwebcomics.com/index.php) order on votes on the list, and bam, plenty of underrated comics and some crappy ones.
Spaztic Plastic's (http://www.topwebcomics.com/index.php?do=out&id=7) at the bottom? Boing, didn't expect that.

When you click ascending order on votes, why is my comic number one?

I second Ethane's vote for As If! because after clicking the link, I'm a third of the way through the 200+ archives... it's so cute I want to pinch its cheeks!!!!


Sam and Fuzzy, Neko the kitty.

When you click ascending order on votes, why is my comic number one?

I guess it means my comic is rated the worst on the TWC list. So if anyone thinks that it isn't the worst on the list, would you say that it is "underrated"?

Artificial Time (www.artificialtime.com)--Rao needs more readers, dammit!

Spaztic Plastic, Zelda Comic, Planet Zebeth & of course, my own comic: GameCheetz, I would like to add to the list, but I don't think it should really count if I say my own, or anyone else says thiers... So I'll leave it at the 3.

Frank G
Neko the Kitty (http://nekothekitty.keenspace.com/)Agreed, I love that comic.

Loserz (http://loserzcomic.keenspace.com), Dece (http://www.atomicwang.org/dece/view.php) and Bob the angry flower (http://www.angryflower.com)

my new favorite is vindibudd (http://www.vindibudd.com).

...um...i also really like mine (http://www.claytonheat.com)

...don't kill me!

next person to say their own comic will be banned for a week

it's really sad how some of you take every opportunity to promote your comics, even when you're specifically told not to

I apologize for interrupting the thread

BOOYATCH - http://suppository.keenspace.com/

I'd say http://www.sixthirtyfive.com/ the girl's a genius

Men in Hats and Silence are my two picks for most underrated. MiH because it's the only comic that consistantly cracks me up even though there's absolutely no plot. Silence is just the most well thought out webcomic I've seen thus far, in spite of its huge lapse in updating. The same goes for It Never Rains on Monitor Hill, but I have the feeling that's pretty popular.

I like Sticky and Blob O (htttp://www.stickblob.tk) far as ms paint comics go, it kicks the ass.

Running With Scissors (http://www.runwithscissors.tk). Don't let the stick figure art scare you away. Beneath that lies some of the funniest writing I've seen in a comic in a while.

Rabid Fan
Hmm, I maybe a friend of the artist but I'd say if you are into web manga:


Fun story, great art.

Filibuster (http://www.filibustercartoons.com) really should be huge.

Dwight Of Hand (http://dwight.strippers-corner.com) Sure it may have 'ended' but its still comedic slice of life gold.

Dark Artist
One of my great favorites is Straight Ahead (http://straightahead.keenspace.com/) It hits me right on the funny bone.


BOOYATCH - http://suppository.keenspace.com/
http://www.amanandhisplant.com/ This stoped updating for a while but not its back up and still beter then evar!
Lastly Taco Man and Burrito Boy http://www.hindrances.com/index2.php

Slam The Chao
I dont really read any "underrated" comics...except http://slamchao.tripod.com

I dont really read any "underrated" comics...except http://slamchao.tripod.com
banned for a week

I hope you'll take this time to learn how to read


I love this strip...

I feel the need to mention www.gamecheetz.com

It takes every thing which is wrong with your common game based sprite comic... and doesn't do it. Though considering the general view of sprite comics here...

Wee !

Dwight Of Hand Sure it may have 'ended' but its still comedic slice of life gold. um yeah...that is marines comic. but you should ban him forever. if you do not understand why then you should read some of his other posts, but beware you will probably attain down-syndrome.

Frank G
Hm, now for my real post:

I think Weirdism (http://www.weirdism.com) is incredibly underrated. Despite the rotating cast of writers it has a really cool vibe to it, Slackerz boy who is writing it now is doing a good job of taking the existing loose storylines and playing with them. I find it's a really cute, fun comic. Also everything on Movie Poop Shot (http://www.moviepoopshoot.com), I especially like Brian Lynch (http://www.angrynakedpat.com)'s work on Patchouli and Monkey Man. The art in Ted Noodleman is insane, I'm not usually into that style of art but my god, you can't help but be in awe.

I don't think Weirdism is underrated at all, if anything It's kinda overrated. I guess that's because of the strange hype machine that was behind Weirdism before it even launched.

But as for underrated comics I'd say New Traditionalists (http://newtraditionalists.keenspace.com)
A lotta people are turned off by the authors less than perfect drawing style, but the substance more than makes up for it.

Frank G
I don't think Weirdism is underrated at all, if anything It's kinda overrated. I guess that's because of the strange hype machine that was behind Weirdism before it even launched.You see I wasn't privvy to said hype machine, I mean on the grand scheme of things not many people know it. Sure people in this community do as Ms. Liz posted frequently. Sure, they don't update enough, but that's a sin that myself and Eric are also commiters of, but that's one of its few shortcomings. Weirdism isn't trying to pretentiously Reinvent Comics and that's why I find it quite endearing :)

Viper Daimao
the most underrated comic is obviously http://www.nuklearpower.com ..........

...ok maybe not. try www.billanderik.com instead.

um yeah...that is marines comic. but you should ban him forever. if you do not understand why then you should read some of his other posts, but beware you will probably attain down-syndrome.

Dwight of hand isn't Marine's comic, it's zyrotin's.

*high fives Elfy*


When do we get an overrated thread? I've got my fingers poised over the 'P' and the 'A'... and the 'M' 'E' 'G' 'T' 'O' 'K' 'Y' keys as well.

When do we get an overrated thread? I've got my fingers poised over the 'P' and the 'A'... and the 'M' 'E' 'G' 'T' 'O' 'K' 'Y' keys as well.

one was started once... it got messy... so i locked it. let's not go there again, k?

Frank G
When do we get an overrated thread? I've got my fingers poised over the 'P' and the 'A'... and the 'M' 'E' 'G' 'T' 'O' 'K' 'Y' keys as well.I only need one finger to indicate who I think should be in the overrated thread :)

ha ha ha. this was a good one, frank.
(unless you're pointing at me... but then I'm not rated at all)

Paste (http://paste.fissure.org/). The thing is pure gold.

Frank G
ha ha ha. this was a good one, frank.
(unless you're pointing at me... but then I'm not rated at all)He set himself up for it, it was easy.

You forgot the letters, S P R I T and E keys.

My pick today,
Kong Comic (www.drunkduck.com/Kong_Comic) Its got some really off moments that make it wonderful, he'll deny it up and down, but there are suttletys I picked up on while reading that made it more hilarious.

Dead Air (http://dastrip.com) is sadly an underrated comic.
Big Fat Whale (http://bigfatwhale.com) is so good it hurts my stomik
Blue Moon (http://bluemooncomic.com) makes me smile until it comes to an end
I read a bunch of Combustible Orange (http://combustibleorange.com), then I read it again.

Written by Hank, age 4

I only need one finger to indicate who I think should be in the overrated thread :)
Strangely, I too only need one figer to respond...

Frank G
Strangely, I too only need one figer to respond...But the joke is only funny the first time.

And just what in the hell is a figer anyway?

Sorry... I totally couldn't help it.

It's a person that makes Figs.

Frank G
And just what in the hell is a figer anyway?

Sorry... I totally couldn't help it.A friend of mine said the exact same thing. Excellent, I like you :)

It's a person that makes Figs.Hmmmm..Fig Newton.

I think that would be a "figger" actually. :3

The difference between the jokes was that the first finger would be pointing, and the second one would be... doing something else. Honestly! Subtlety is lost on y'all.

Actually, I think "figger" is what you do when you have a problem...

you "figger" it out.

...I'm so embarrassed.

Hey! Most underrated webcomic? how about "The Repository of Dangerous Things" or "No Fourth Wall to Break"?

I'm not sure good comics can be "underrated" as easily as they can be unknown. I would say Captain Suppository, but he'd be real high up there if he updated regularly.

un·der·rate ** (*P*)**Pronunciation Key**(ndr-rt)
tr.v. un·der·rat·ed, un·der·rat·ing, un·der·rates
To rate too low; underestimate.

see also: combustibleorange.com/

Did I say Spaztic Plastic already?

Well, the comic I would consider this is something that I have followed for a while. This particular comic has had significant improvements in almost every aspect. And, the others were already good. I find humor, a different style then what is usually found in most comics, and an interesting story. The characters all are good and I can expect even more improvements as this comic progresses.

The comic I am describing is Splaztic Plastic. Although, it might attain the readers it should have soon. But, I thought I should inform you on what I find to qualify for that then.

monkey-business.net Sure its number 11,but thats not enough God damnit!

Baron Von Waffle


captain suppository is underrated...also news in brief, which is no longer at www.nib.com but was totally genius.

and, I think it should be known that I was danny tanner from full house for halloween.

as in, I am, or was, bob sagat.

I don't know whether I should pick Neotopia (http://www.neotopia.homestead.com/Comic_Ep01_Part00a.html) or Nine Swords (http://nineswords.keenspace.com/d/20020125.html) as the most underrated webcomic. Both used to be on TWC, but were too underrated to stay (the vote button on Nine Swords is still there, but not updated for the new TWC).

http://www.scarygoround.com isn't underrated but it still kicks massive quantities of awesome

Pig Related
Don't know if it's that underrated but I've been going through the archives and I really like Squaresville (http://squaresville.keenspace.com/).
The writing is just brilliant.

captain suppository is underrated

If he followed a regular update schedule (and he can't, because of school right now) his comic would easily find it's way into the top ten.

If no one's mentioned Elftor (http://www.elftor.com) let it be known elftor is bad ass.

He may use MS paint, and swear words constantly, and some mild language, and cuts n pastes more than PVP.