: What's Wrong With Our Design?

We're having a new site design done for BandWich.Net (http://www.bandwich.net), so I'd like to know the problems with our current design. If you wouldn't mind checking out BandWich and giving some suggestions on what our new design should include or change, that'd be a huge help. Thanks.

And I'm getting 404s.

really? it's working fine for me..

It's very plain. :3 White backgrounds = boring. Also there's a lot of wasted space, especially in the top. Tighten the whole layout up. If you have empty space on the sides, for goodness sake use it. Move those link images up onto the left in a table or somesuch. In fact, you can move all those navigation links somewhere else, too. A web page is horizontal, take advantage of that (but keep 800x600 uses in the loop). The fact that your comic is tall means you have to make everything else as NOT vertical as you can.

Try to think of your page as something you construct versus something you make. If you have actual structure that takes advantage of space, you'll be less tempted to just put things into a big "list" like you've done right now :3

That's what i told him! heh.

Actually, i'm redesigning their site for em. backend too. Anything you guys would like to see?

The top part just seems so...disorderly. I think the 'hosted by g3d' thing is what's throwing me off. Maybe it could be moved somewhere else

It seems kind of boring--maybe you should put some sort of blue background to compiment the color of the newspost. Also, you may want to move the Home/Archive/Link to us buttons to the left, and the Link Exchange thing to the right. And like Gooni said, the banners at the top really throw you off.

Anything you guys would like to see?

Yah the white background sucks ass that needs to be fixed and not by some crappy .bmp. And you definately need some kind of organized layout, that looks cool but works. Also It seems you could< judging by size, fit comic and nes side by side, which could turn out pretty cool, sidescrolling(If Necessary) is the same as vert scrolling for me

I already have an idea for it...but i'm waiting on brian to finish some drawings i need to do it.