: Former Squirrel-Girl Hater

This is hard for me to admit...but after years of protesting the idea of squirrel girls and proclaiming the "evil" of their existance...I finally have seen the light. I am a squirrel-girl fan! I'm coming right out and saying it now, I've been changed! I praise the powers that be for sending me here to learn the truth. I now go on a pilgrimage to spread to word tot he ends of the earth, to proclaim to all the power and truth of El Goonish Shive. Always remember this of our Grace, "She came to glomp!"

I've always wondered why 'glomp' has to be such an unappealing word, considering it's about a nice thing. It looks like the name of some kind of slime monster in an RPG or something. Or a troll. Or the sound something yucky might make when it hits the floor.

I vow to make a nicer word to describe 'glomp'. For now I'll stick with 'tacklehug'.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
"Foul zombie! You shall be glomped by my mighty sword!"

:lol: That is a good point, but I think I'll stick to using "glomp".

As for Faye, good to hear! I never much bought into the idea of "furries" until EGS, either. :D

>Glomps Faye<

Yay, yet another convert!

lol i always loved furries and until i can be one mylelf i wont give up on my quest
(lol, think in the future when anime and manga rule the world there will be surgeries for that? i hope so lol)

I used to be cat-girl only...I basically hated any other furry that moved *sniffles* WHAAAA I WAS SO WRONG!!!

i didn't much care for furries... i still don't but i don't hate em. egs is just a good comic though i have to admit that pic of grace on the top ten webcomics is half of what made me start reading it the other half was more than enough though egs its really wierd

I was a furry all along without realising it. EGS is cool because I adore squirrels, and Grace reminds me of this girl who I like,

and Did I mention Tedd is cute? There should be some filler involving Tedd and Justin, or when I'm more sober and less devious make a copy and paste about it.

For any half-animal person, glomping is a way of life. And I always liked furries for their overall cuteness/coolness. And I'm not sure how I found EGS but I'm glad I did. A quality comic that is updated often, something every fan wants and EGS delivers it beautifully.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Quote of the Week:"Is Doctor Pepper a real doctor? I don't think he's qualified to be a soft-drink" the Dark Lord Sauron for the flash movie "The One Ring 2"
Which is worse, the fact that I remember that, can visualize that scene, and remember most of the line he skipped ((I'm getting suspicious, I don't think he's...)) or the fact that I can do all that having last seen that flash a month ago?

((um, I'm glad you took notice to my sig but I think we should stay on topic. It's also a new week and I need to pic a new quote. And since I am a DP drinker I'm also suspicious that Dr.Pepper isn't qualified to be a soft-drink. It's false advertising I say!))

I'm so happy to like squirrel girls now, in fact I am playing as on in a messed up version of D20 modern now. Its such fun!

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
You're asking me to stay on topic? You must be new. Do you like shiny things?

You're asking me to stay on topic? You must be new. Do you like shiny things?
Yes, I'm very green to these boards. And I'm a bit fond of shiny things(if you were asking me that question that is).

squirrel girls are nice
but cat girls will always be better in my opinion
oh and glomping is more than just tackle-hug
it's a luv huggle tackle
not love as in GF GB love
just REALLY good friends will do
it can go higher than that tho

squirrel girls are nice
but cat girls will always be better in my opinion
oh and glomping is more than just tackle-hug
it's a luv huggle tackle
not love as in GF GB love
just REALLY good friends will do
it can go higher than that tho


"Glomping"? I'm learning more obscure furry terminology here than I want to.
If Dr. Pepper is not a soft drink, what is it then? A "hard" drink?

actually glomping isn't confined to just furry
it's used continuously throughout manga and anime

If you want furry terminology...


And DB, don't be silly. There is NO difference between glomping and tacklehugging. Any little rules made up for the differences are arbitrary.

Tacklehug just sounds nicer.

stop your communist lies
the two are not equals
Glomping has the extra of luv in it

besides glomping sounds much better and is far more accepted so nyah :p

all this talking of "glomping" is bring back memories of Calvin and Hobbes

This is hard for me to admit...but after years of protesting the idea of squirrel girls and proclaiming the "evil" of their existance...I finally have seen the light. I am a squirrel-girl fan!

Traitor. -_-*

::remains standing as a lone bulwark against the evils of creepy squirrel-people::

all this talking of "glomping" is bring back memories of Calvin and Hobbes

Well remember the first time Grace "glomped" Tedd, the comic's daily title was "It beats getting tackled by a stuffed tiger everyday."

glomping at it's best :bunny:

Angelus Lupus
I have seen the light!!!!!!!
I resisted, thinking I was beter suited to just having a wolf persona but now I fully embrace furries.

Yes, that was a double-entendre

All shall fall to the cuteness of the furries! lol

My poor NickJones, there should be equality among the furries. I respect your decision reguardless.

My poor NickJones, there should be equality among the furries.

I guess you have a point. To be fair, I suppose I'll just have to be creeped out by all furries equally. :p

If you want furry terminology...


And DB, don't be silly. There is NO difference between glomping and tacklehugging. Any little rules made up for the differences are arbitrary.

Tacklehug just sounds nicer.

Aww, I was going to suggest that. But then again seeing as everyone knows what yiffing is I would be described as a (relativly) old pervert.

To which I say "You have much to learn, narrow minded padawan"

And secondly, Glompiing sounds like something you'd do with goo (the verb for it's consumption?) Whilst tacklehug sounds like the thing I used to do in Rugby to piss off teammates.

this is kinda off topic, but does anyone have a link to a furry art gallery (preferibly rated r or below)
thanks in advance lol

Ca-ching!! One of the best furry artists out there, coming up... (http://vcl.ctrl-c.liu.se/vcl/Artists/Chalosan/)

Just stay out of the 'adult' section and you should be ok. ^-^;; Although there are a couple which stray on the boobies side of the line in the normal section, but not many.


Another damn awesome freakin' artist, bo-ya-wa-zing... (http://kamicheetah.deviantart.com/)

Although there's boobies there too... Sheesh. Sorry, but most of the pictures avoid that... ^-^;; Just, wade through them. There's some freakin' awesome stuff in each gallery.

Enjoy, enjoy.

Yep, I'm quite the fan of furry art.

Aww, I was going to suggest that. But then again seeing as everyone knows what yiffing is I would be described as a (relativly) old pervert.
More evidence that I'm not everyone.

...this does not still mean I'd want to know.

I don't know what that means either Tropylium, so you aren't alone. lol

'Yiff' is apparently the noise foxes make when they... Uh, mate.

See if you can figure it out NOW.

Oohhhhhh..... I don't get it...

(That's a joke! I get it now.....)

thanks alot for the links lol those are great pics
(lol the hint of boobies under the fur is one of the best thing of anthro pics imo)

Its all about the furry ones!

Traitor. -_-*

::remains standing as a lone bulwark against the evils of creepy squirrel-people::
You aren't alone. I, also, vaguely dislike furries. I made a thread about it once, comparing grace to Top Ramen. Someone docked me a popularity point for that.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Furry haters are evil, evil people. I hate you all now! Mwahahahaha!

I also have bridge to sell to anyone who believed the line about hating you all.

Is it a big bridge?

You hate me? Cool.
I don't really get the point about furries either. If you like fur, what do you need the human resemblance for? Especially when that resemblance is often more than vague.
—BTW, are there any other comics (etc.) besides EGS which give any explanation on why are there half-animal characters?

ummm....the wotch ( www.thewotch.com ), but they only have half animal charecters when it fits the story arc.

The furries shall rule the earth! At some point. Not now. Im too tired.

IHateUsernames, ahoy!:
The furries shall rule the earth! At some point. Not now. Im too tired.

Bah, furries won't ever rule the world. Too easily distracted by catnip and chew toys and such to be an effective fighting force. :p

Bah, furries won't ever rule the world. Too easily distracted by catnip and chew toys and such to be an effective fighting force. :pI resent tha---

Is that catnip I smell? *pounces on anthro-sized catnip mouse*

ok, never mind...

IHateUsernames, ahoy!:
The furries shall rule the earth! At some point. Not now. Im too tired.

Bah, furries won't ever rule the world. Too easily distracted by catnip and chew toys and such to be an effective fighting force. :p

Oh, come on. Most furries I know are MUCH more effective at fighting than... oh, wait. I'm not supposed to say that. Never mind.

You hate me? Cool.
I don't really get the point about furries either. If you like fur, what do you need the human resemblance for? Especially when that resemblance is often more than vague.
—BTW, are there any other comics (etc.) besides EGS which give any explanation on why are there half-animal characters?

here is one (http://shifters.keenspace.com/)

here is another + several (http://www.cyantian.net/)

and another (http://www.spaceoperacomic.com/)

kind of one (http://www.kevinandkell.com/index.html)

this one does (http://freefall.purrsia.com/)

were coyote (http://www.crfh.net/)

This one to but not in a plot kind of way (http://www.ozyandmillie.org/)

patchwork cat
Squirrel girl-yay! *glomps everybody* what a nice thread! :jester:
this is kinda off topic, but does anyone have a link to a furry art gallery (preferibly rated r or below)
thanks in advance lol
Lucky dip at Furnation hosted sites, if you see something Yiffy you can just look away. (should be a warning if it's a good artist). http://www.furnation.com/default.asp?N1=1&N2=0&N3=0
Hey, how come children can watch lions yiffing on tv but *drawn* anthros are out?