: nifty little trick

The other end
If your worried about your site getting ripping off your site., I've found a java-script code to fix that. I use it myself!

after <body> tag insert this

<script language="JavaScript1.1">
<!-- var debug = true;
function right(e)
if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' && (e.which == 3 || e.which == 2)) return false;
else if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3)) {
alert('This Page is fully protected!');
return false;
return true;
if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);

this will be good for "pixel art" comics since it would be easier to cut and paste

If you want the site that made this here (http://www.hypergurl.com/)

hope I've helped someone :)

I saw an animated gif I wanted on my comp once. They used that code. Trust me, it's bypassable. :evil:

But using it will discourage people from taking your stuff at least.

The other end
I saw an animated gif I wanted on my comp once. They used that code. Trust me, it's bypassable. :evil:

But using it will discourage people from taking your stuff at least.
Thats what they said, accually I've thought of a way that might bypass too, not sure if it will work :(

I'm using Opera. All the javascript hijinks in the world won't stop me from right-clicking.

On top of that, even with IE, it's incredibly easy to get around that.

The other end
I'm using Opera. All the javascript hijinks in the world won't stop me from right-clicking.

On top of that, even with IE, it's incredibly easy to get around that.

never said it was bullet proof, it's basically the eqivilent of a flashlight security-wise. But it helps

Dear. God. No.

I hate sites that do that. For one, alot of times i'll want to open a new window instead of losing the page im in. So i right click and what? oh...right click disabled eh? stupid. And anyways, you can just select view source in the edit toolbar.

Dear. God. No.

I hate sites that do that. For one, alot of times i'll want to open a new window instead of losing the page im in.Same here.
So i right click and what? oh...right click disabled eh? stupid. And anyways, you can just select view source in the edit toolbar.If there is some code to stop that then wahoo! That'll stop the theives.

The other end
Dear. God. No.

I hate sites that do that. For one, alot of times i'll want to open a new window instead of losing the page im in. So i right click and what? oh...right click disabled eh? stupid. And anyways, you can just select view source in the edit toolbar.
point taken

anti-right click scrips make me want to steal from sites MORE.

They don't work, and they just piss everyone off