: Thank You Dan!!!!!!! ^_^

cow bell man
Thanks for makeing the Chibi Avatars Dan.

They are so awesome and cute.

I like the Grace one the most.

I can not express how much I enjoy you comic and work. It makes my day, week, and year.

*hugs dan*

Thank you.


Hey, you're welcome! ^_^ Good to get a positive response :) I'm thinking of making a Chibi halloween filler to have on Friday (in addition to a story comic). I really wanna create a good buffer for the story comics, and I'm between college trimesters this week (translation: no school until a week from monday). Chibi fillers are faster to make than normal ones, so it might help me get ahead with story comics, and be a nice counter-balance to the somewhat darker-than-normal story.

Adding my thanks :)
And looking forward to more chibi filler. Definately helps to break up the dark story. And got my first laugh today (at 7pm).

cow bell man
That would be cool. I like it when you make chibi fillers. I also like your standard drawing too. I can't wait to see the filler. I hope you enjoy your week off. ^_^

((oh my gosh, Dan actuality replied to some thing that I posted :) ))

That would be cool. I like it when you make chibi fillers. I also like your standard drawing too. I can't wait to see the filler. I hope you enjoy your week off. ^_^

((oh my gosh, Dan actuality replied to some thing that I posted :) ))
MEOW! ^_^

cow bell man

You like cats don't you? ^_^

I think most people on this forumn like cats, and squirrels, and jeremy's, and all sorts of cute lil' thingies!

Well Dan, you saved me the work of making a Elliot-cat avatar. I was gonna make one but then you made the avatar. The avatars are also very good and the outlines are a nice touch too. The colors kinda match their personalities(not to mention their clothes too).

If you ask me, yes those chibis are cute but the avatar flood seems to hinder personality a little. After all, aren't you supposed to choose your avatar as to reflect yourself?
[and I should be speaking?]

I do partly agree. Love the avatars, but looking at this thread alone, 75% of the posters are using the avatars you made, and there's probably more across the board. Could of at least waited for a bit before leaping upon them. ^-^;;

I'm happy with my Hedge avatar. Best. Panel. Ever.

Nah, I think they suit their users pretty much...

Maybe; I wouldn't expect "Tedd-people" using Sarah, but the problem is that the characters are wayyy too obvious choices. The basic message being "I'm an voluntary an EGS drone". But if that's what you want to tell, fine with me. :Puzzled:

The basic message being "I'm an voluntary an EGS drone".

Damn straight! I liked my Gohan avatar just fine, since I was too lazy to make my own EGS avatar. But with these new avatars I can be a lazy as I want to be!!!! :jester:

w00t for the new Avitars
w00t for all Avitars
w00t for El Goonish Shive
w00t for Dan
w00t for Tedd
just w00t!!!

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
If he makes Nanase faerie avatar, it's going up. What can I say? I like faeries.

How could you forget Jeremey??! or is it simply hard to draw a chibi kitty? (i would love to use that as an avatar i can't get enough of creatures nature never intended, hence the dragon avatar.)

Kiro-Silence here also demonstrates a second problem ... overusage...
Now, I'm not against the idea itself here, just pointing out some flaws that ought to be fixed... Sorry if I sound like Mr Skeptical, but then again, that's what I am.

Another improvement idea: transparent backgrounds...

These new Avatars are the serious bomb. Whilst I'm happy with my Badger (Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,mushroom MUSHROOM) I definatly have other uses for this chibi.

By the way, was this posted in the Avatar thread?