: Taken Seriously? PSSH

Alright, So I'm in the book store Looking for some sort of magazine to read about the wonderful worl of cartooning. There are none. Why is it that everyone wants to be 'taken seriously as an artist?' wheres the magazine for those of us who draw cartoons or for those of us, who have no reason to be angsty, artsy or meaningful?

would i be wrong in assuming that im not the only one who wonders these things?

I've seen magazines that were dedicated to cartooning, but I've never seen one of them at a book store. Try checking out a comic book store. I've seen some there, usually in with the comics themselves.

I guess they figured people who aren't angsty or arty aren't lucrative enough a market

for my angsty cartooning fix, i go here (http://www.awn.com).

although its mostly about animating, rather then cartooning. but occasinally something aboot comics comes up.

For angsty cartoonist things just read Piro's newsposts.

wheres the magazine for those of us who draw cartoons or for those of us, who have no reason to be angsty, artsy or meaningful?Cartoonist PROfiles (http://www.cartoonistprofiles.com/).

It's not readily available (in bookstores), it's kind of expensive, and it's quarterly. But it's a great magazine for cartoonists, especially those who want to be newspaper-syndicated.

There you go.

I enjoy the online magazine, Comixpedia (http://www.comixpedia.com/html/)

It's got some cool interviews and some different, fairly unangsty views on the webcomic world.

Rabid Fan
For angsty cartoonist things just read Piro's newsposts.

teh win.

Read it a bit but it kinda gets tiring as he rumbles along. I suggest to simply read his comics and avoid his forums and rants at all cost.

hey! maybe someone can start an online comics magazine! yeah!

huh? its been done before? oh.


never mind.

seriously, though, there are a few sites like that, i think. eye shock is a good start, IMO. but i wish there was something out there with good funding.

comixpedia.com is nice, but a tad clique-ish in my opinion. Good coverage, but it tends to focus on dumbrella, keenspace, and a few comics that the writers happen to like.

A cool magazine that I enjoy a lot is Twomorrow's DRAW! It doesn't publish as often as I'd like (it's quarterly), but its very well done with some really big names involved.
