: Photoshop -> filters: What's the big deal ?

Today I started on something I planned on doing for some time: completely color an episode. I do this with Photoshop since it's the simplest way I know, and it permets me to explore the software more thouroughly, but there's something I don't understand.

Why is everyone so exited about the filters ? As far as I can tell, none of them do anything remotly special, and can all be quickly emulated with the avaible tools...

Is there a point I'm missing ?

Chris C.
It all depends on how you use them. The stock filters are ok but you get better effects from Alienskin (http://www.alienskin.com) filters and other 3rd party filters.

As long as they're not overused they are just nice ways to save time on basic effects work.

People who use lensflare too much, usually

No there's no point your missing.

Filters are gennerally for very specific uses, and most of the time they do more harm than good to a picture.

A simple rule of thumb I go by is:

1 filter, that's fine.
2 filters, that so so.
3 filters, you're over doing it.
4+ filters, uhh yeah... nice lense flares you've got there.

My favorite cheesy Photoshop filters are the Twirl, and the one that tiles the image and pushes each tile towards you in 3D. What makes most filters cheesy is the people who take those filters seriously, believing that they can create masterpieces out of their mediocre images.

Filters can sometimes make a good cartoonist great, but they cannot make a bad cartoonist good. It's like puttin' lipstick on a pig.

People love playing with filters because they do something that would otherwise take hours to do by hand. Even with that said, most photo-editing pros either don't use them or use them them very sparingly.

I use filters all the time. A lot of people are really about the super special filters, but it is the least obvious ones which are the most useful. For instance, Add Noise is suprisingly useful. Also, Render Clouds is a great way to make backgrounds if done subtley enough. Even as a pixel comic, I've found that I can use filters to enhance the original art.

I'd say I use layer effects more often. All my word bubbles are just a layer with a thick outer glow on them, and never underestimate the power of a semitransparent gel for mood lighting.

Being a 3D comic I do a lot of postworking (normally for contrast purposes) but certain filters can be totally useful.

Just remember that Photoshop is the tool, and you're the artist. A lot of people get all hyped up about filters, but that's because they really can't create anything without them. I think you've got a grip on that.

People who use lensflare too much, usually
That, and the PSP Sunburst O_O

I'd say I use layer effects more often. All my word bubbles are just a layer with a thick outer glow on them, and never underestimate the power of a semitransparent gel for mood lighting.

I totally agree. Mine are actually a layer, (first with a basic color outline) and a 28% "black pencil" effect, and then a few outlining dropshadows and a 9% transparency.

Yeah, I swear by Noise and Gauss Blur. :D With Levels, you can do some cool stuff! Yee! All the blurs are cool, actually. I find most of the stylised filters to be pretty useless though. Normally I only use filters to recreate something I could do but can't be bothered to do by hand, like speedlines, starfields, etc. Sometimes to add a line or two, and making them a little jaggedy (with ripple, or something) so they look like they were hand-drawn. But I never use it to replace my own skills (like for lens flares, perspective, etc). I think a filter is used well when you can't even tell it's there. I've personally never noticed Squidi using cloud rendering, that's news to me. XDXD But other times I've spotted it a mile away in other people's stuff. I guess the trick is to use them as a means to an end, rather than as the end itself.

If someone can tell not only that you used a filter, but what exact filter and setting you used, then you've done something wrong.

I use a couple myself.... noise, sponge, blur (gaussian and motion)... but always on a fade filter. I love PS7 for that! Also, levels = gold.

Definitely agree with squidi & co. - if you can tell by lookin' what it is, it isn't used right.

filters are great when used TACTFULLY.

i use the clouds filter to make metal all the time, but only in very small amounts with low contrast.
Gaussian blur and motion blur are also good friends of mine

i use the clouds filter to make metal all the time, but only in very small amounts with low contrast.
Gaussian blur and motion blur are also good friends of mine

Gaussian blur is used a lot when painting textures on a UVMap, just thought I'd share :D

thats what i use it for, natch :p

"You know you've done your job right, when no one knows what you've done"

I just use filters when I make grass, stone, or to disort a background image (I usually use Grain and Dry Brush) And, render clouds is just handy, period.

But, alot of filters can ruin an image, and should be used with subtlety.

some people tend to overuse, if not horrendously misuse, the filters provided in photoshop... didn't someone mention lensflare?

there's a common misperception amongst photoshop novices, that drowning their scanned photos/images with filters that are so easily recognizeable by a photoshop pro, makes themselves and their filtered hash, "cool". and if no one points out their errored ways, they fall under the bloated ego of a misinformed, miseductaed numbskull...

and if i have to see another horrendous black/white [by default] gradient overlay over their web comic title again....*ghrraggGH!!*

See, when I need to blur, I just play around with the water drop and the finger tools...

Although "Color Density -" layers are my new best friends...

This is being very insightfull. Thank you everyone !

bluring is useful, as is noise. dont discount filters.

agreed. don't discount filters. but don't rely on them either.

The Unknown Comic
filters are good if used appropriately.

I only use them if I need to.

I rely more on the layer styles more so than the filters.