: Different Stories in a Comic

Well, in a comic it usually contains different stories that contribute to the story itself. This would be some sort of side thing that might occur and could be considered a story, but really it is only a portion of the story itself.

So, in your comic, what would you say is the one that appeals more to you? And, if this is not prominent in your comic you can describe another you have seen in a differen comic then.

I think I actually like both.

Some gag-a-day strips don't have side stories--or any stories at all, for that matter. And I love those.

But other strips have long, intricate, detailed storylines that often split off into different directions, and it can take a good long time to explore all of the tangents. I really dig those, too.

Then you have those comics which don't really have a story per se, but nevertheless live in their own world, with lots of different characters who have different types of relationships. I'm thinking of Homestar Runner as an example (yeah, I know, some people don't consider it a web comic 'cause it's all animated). I love that one, because there are lots of different places to check out within that site.

So to answer your question, I like all kinds. As far as my own comic goes, well, I have some spinoff-type ideas, as well as plans to work in both directions with the story progression. But I still have my one-shot weeks, and short story arcs that don't add much to the overall story.

DbS has a loose background story about zombies and a newly founded nation in Antarctica. Beyond that, it's there really isn't any story to speak of. Kind of like Vaughn Bode's stuff.

I like all kinds of comics myself... some I read for the storylines, some for the humour, some for a mixture od both.

For my own comics, though, I like to have a lot of characters, so that they can all be doing things of their own, in plots of their own, which I can then jump between whenever I want.

Dark Laith
My comic has this exact thing. A main story and a side story. I personally like it; it gives me a chance to do something else when I get a little tired of the main story.

My comic is gag-a-day, but I do have plenty of story arcs. I try to vary it. If I just come out of a long story, I'll do a few weeks of gags. The combination of both is what makes my comic, well, my comic.

My whole comic is about 5 or 6 side-stories all interwined together, really.

The "central" plot is very, very hard to pinpoint.

But I like it that way, so nah.

Oh, and personaly I prefer reading story-based comics, since even unfunny updates still wont be a waste of time (since it continues the story), but gag based can be good. It's just harder to impress me.

Wee !

Well, the topic really was to choose your favorite story out of your comic. So, I will say that mine is the current story that is occurring.

This first displays my best work and I really enjoy implimenting the new characters. This also contributes to enjoying the creation of it. I even began updating frequently as a result of this then.

Ian the Scribe
Ah, I wasn't quite sure where this topic was going -- although, to follow the sidetrack, I generally prefer comics where lots of storylines blend together to create the main story, rather than ones with a distinct main story supported by tangential ones.

As for your original question, my favourite storyline in my own comic is the ongoing one I've just begun to develop between Jordan and his guardian spirit, Gareth. Look for it to take more shape in the next year or so (gods, I'm optimistic).

-Ian the Scribe

Oops, heh...

Hm, my favorite story-arc...

3rd place is the Shift one. I never realized until today that I was satyrizing angsty artsy modern comics, and I'm looking at it with a new light...

2nd place is the Rock/Touch one, simply for the strange craziness and unpredictable quality about it.

And first place goes too...

The barely touched upon Castrate story-arc. I love how abstract it is, and how it reflects on the art...

There, I hope that's closer to your original intentions.

The Unknown Comic
All my side stories are merging into one big finale cause my strip is ending.

I gotta love my short storyarcs. I did a fun one where a "friend" comes to stay at their house, and it had some metacomic-style humor when the character started a comic strip.

Here it is: One of my favorite arcs. (http://www.pokegravy.com/pokegravy/weekly.phtml?syw=2002&weeknum=56)

Well, now we seem to have established the correct topic. And those particular stories you have displayed all have been very good. I also want ask why you decided to choose these. After viewing them, it was difficult to see if you chose them because of the quality, or you enjoy the writing then.

I believe I have already stated my reason, but I want to emphasize that this has been both my most improved work and I enjoy writing each comic then.

I also want ask why you decided to choose these.What, are you writin' a book or something? :)

Haha, well quote me in the book as saying:

I like the stories that develop characters I haven't developed before. There's something about taking a minor character to a new level using a funny plot that appeals to me.

Steve Ince
I'm fascinated by characters and one of the reasons Calvin and Hobbes was such a success was because its strength lay in the characterisation of all the main cast. Even though that cast was pretty small the format worked well. The one-off gags and the longer stories both worked well because they always worked with the parameters of the characters themselves.

With my own strips I've taken a different approach and created a much larger cast, though I do keep returning to a smaller number of characters which are developing into my main "stable". But even with a large cast, I always try to maintain consistency of character. When I have an idea for a strip or a sequence of strips, it's always clear which characters the idea will be for.

The ones I have mentionned are mentionned because they surprised me.

Honestly, I never figured I'd give the central role of a story-arc to a teddy bear.

Well, I guess it's been discovered. I didn't think anyone would guess that I have been adding this to complete a story of the experiences here. I guess all that I can do is promote this now. Be sure to look for it in the next month.

The real reason I asked why you decided to choose these particular areas of the comic was because after looking at the various ones posted, I began to wonder the reason these were posted. I mean, they definitely were great, but I wanted to know the reason they were posted then.