: icant write

ok i am pretty bad at writing comics, apparently what i write isnt funny to anyone else but me :) go figure. so maybe im wrong but if you have any pointers im all ears.

or would it be eyes in this case....

in anycase im open for suggestions

(i fixed the signature but i dont tihnk it got right so if u were interested the link is supposed to be www.ourscomic.cjb.net (http://www.ourscomic.cjb.net))

Same thing happens to me.

Read good comics, and hope osmosis does it's thing.

Read Mark Twain.

I have the same problem. Either that or I'm just not funny.

Actually, you could try reading a lot of novels. Seriously, reading large litterary works can contribute greatly to your own. I'd say start with classics like Dune. By Dune I mean only the books written by Frank Herbert. Dune has been noted as the best book ever written by several athorties, and I must say I agree with all of them.

Once you've read enough the only step left is practice. To develope a style is the hardest part of writing, and once you've done that, once you've found your voice, it all becomes a matter of practice.

Good luck.

Your link gives me a 404 page (with bonus popups!)

I suppose "Crazyman, crazy!" is only funny the first several times you hear it.

being funny isnt even important in webcomics, from what I've observed.

being funny isnt even important in webcomics, from what I've observed.

it's all about the cheesecake...and i've got plenty of it.

You think you've got cheesecake!? You should check out my comic today. I actually felt kinda dirty for posting it (truth was I didn't have time to write a decent joke, so I drew my main female character from a different angle)

As for webcomics not having to be funny... Webcomics can be anything you want them to be. From serial story lines with serious subtones, to daily wacky comic strips that denote reailty it'self.