: I'll bite: Thoughts on my comic?

Baron Von Waffle
I wasn't too sure whether or not I should post this here, but I'm interested in the feedback of people who have been doing this for a while. I've gotten some nice comments from Greg Dean, Barry T. Smith, and Kristofer Straub, and I wanted to know what you guys thought. I started Mike and Nix about a month ago, and I've got enough ideas to make it last a while. The real question is do you think it's funny? The art is not great, and I've considered either getting an artist or a scanner (it's all done in flash and photoshop, but I can do something that is technically better if I were to draw it by hand), but enough people have told me that they actually really like the stick people style that I'll probably keep it. Feel free to comment on that area as well.


P.S. I recommend reading the newsposts as I put as much effort into making them amusing as I do the comic.

i actually like it. the art is really simple, obviously, but you jokes are usually right on the mark.

it looks like your...uh...art quality is getting better in the sense that you stopped using paint and it looks like you switched to a vector graphics program? if you haven't, then i'd advise that you do, anyway.
you've also managed to give characters fairly good facial expession.

my only critisism would be that you should draw some kind of BG. going through your archives gets boring after a while and only seeing an occasional picture on a wall. if you do ad BG's, though, it should obviously be minimal.

but yeah, i give you a 7.8/10

Baron Von Waffle
Thanks. :) Yeah, like I said, I'm using flash to draw now, which is much better. I've heard illustrator is good, though. I might look into buying that.

As far as the background goes, I totally agree, that's something I've always had trouble with drawing even by hand. I want to add more stuff, but it's hard to do something even simple that doesn't become distracting or seem out of place. I want to experiment with different perspectives, but stick figures are 2-d, so it makes it kind of hard to do. I'm open to suggestions for simple additions to the bg.

a simple BG can be done just by ading a horizontal and vertical line to make it look like a corner. or a window or a table or couch

comics like fox trot and garfield have fairly minimal BGs. maybe look to them for inspriation

I've gotten some nice comments from Greg Dean, Barry T. Smith, and Kristofer Straub

Who are they?

Baron Von Waffle


regarding your comic: the humor is decent. Would have been better to have something other than a stick figure, but thats not something I would change in the middle of a comic.

Reminded me of Squaresville (http://Squaresville.keenspace.com) The whole "what the hell is this thing doing as my roommate" sort of deal.

edit:Well, reminds me of Squaresville and anything derivative of the odd couple in general

hahaha! i thought your comic is extremely funny! i rarely laugh out loud, and i did then! Normally id say to improve the drawing, but this time...i think that it fits. The expressions are nice and simple and get the point across quickly.
I would say that dont do the spider, since that happens in garfield. I doubt you can really change that now...but its still good!

thank you for showing my eyes this treat!

Mr Demaree
I actually liked your comic, despite the fact that it used stick figures as it's characters. The jokes are all well done, and I laughed out loud several times. You might want to work on the site design and word bubbles though. The bubbles just look kind of odd. Just for the record, I think the stick figure art is fine.

I actually liked your comic, despite the fact that it used stick figures as it's characters. The jokes are all well done, and I laughed out loud several times. You might want to work on the site design and word bubbles though. The bubbles just look kind of odd. Just for the record, I think the stick figure art is fine.

i agree about the word bubbles, but i think the design is fine. I was impressed with the options effects around the words. You should try to add more stuff sooner or later though.

about backgrounds. Some strips just do a squiggly line. in flash, put the brush to full size and just move it in a squiggly motion to fill up a corner or whatever.

Baron Von Waffle
Hadn't thought about the word bubbles. I'm not really sure what you mean by them looking odd, but I'll look around for some other examples to model by. I'm gonna experiment with different things for the background. I'll try some of those things you guys suggested. THanks for your comments. :)

Keep it up, God this is good.
Art, who needs art when you have scripts like that. Stick figure comics are good as long as they are funny, and guess what? It's funny. Eh, but seriously if you did get an artist, then that would definatly put you over the top (but it would be great if a stick fig. comic would be at the top, I could see this one at the top).

The Unknown Comic
I like the spider. It's an original concept next to the occasional Garfield. Also, I get a feeling of Charlotte's web, but in a more comedic way.
I think you could go places with this idea.

Baron Von Waffle
I like the spider. It's an original concept next to the occasional Garfield. Also, I get a feeling of Charlotte's web, but in a more comedic way.
I think you could go places with this idea.

Charlotte's web was what I was thinking of when I first came up with the character of Nix, but you arn't supposed to know that yet. ;)

not bad, especially for a stick figure comic

YAY!!! a new comic! and its SIX panels! man....call me a regular to your comic! i also signed up on the forum. :cheers:

Baron Von Waffle
Awesome. I saw your name of the forum list. It's always nice to have more regulars. :D

I like the very first one the best with the telephone/tv signal... v .funny
Also.. (though others may not agree), I prefer the drawing style with the slightly bigger,funnier head and the lighter lines... kewl stuff..::

Baron Von Waffle
I like the very first one the best with the telephone/tv signal... v .funny
Also.. (though others may not agree), I prefer the drawing style with the slightly bigger,funnier head and the lighter lines... kewl stuff..::

Really? That art style came from my failed attempt at doing color comics. I didn't want to draw them again so I deleted all the color and converted to greyscale, and I thought they looked like crap. I've been planning to do them over even.

For the record, I kinda liked the color, but most people that I showed it to thought the B&W looked a lot better. Here's an example of the color comics...

http://ubernet.lybur.com/comic/cc1.png (edit: linked for h-scroll)

On a different note, for those who looked for a new comic yesterday and got the "filler", the real new comic is up now.