: Looking for G-rated comics for WILT

I've redesigned the website for What I Learned Today (http://www.whitestorm.com/wilt) and I'm looking to fill some 88x31 link spots. The buttons are in a pretty static location - the index page uses an iframe so most of it stays put while viewing the comics - so I want some good stuff here.
The caveats here are:

A. It has to be totally G-rated. No swearing above "dang" and "shoot," no references to sex, no violence above disney cartoon level, etc. I'll be looking them over, too, so don't try and trick me. :3 The idea here is that little kids could read them without parents being horrified.

B. Give me an 88x31 link button, 'cos that's the format, yo. Don't make me go get it because I hate that. If it has really annoying animation or it's a massive file size I'll be sad. I like minimalist stuff.

C. I might not pick yours even if it fits the space just because there's more or less limited space, and some comics might just "fit" better with my own thematically or humorifically or whatever. I'd like to say I'll take everyone, but I can't promise!

You don't have to link back if you don't want to. I already have a couple in mind, but I don't read enough to know of that many G-rated comics besides Count Your Sheep.

Just reply to this thread and stuff... yep.

Edit: Updated the link.

No 4th wall to break is pretty g rated....that's pretty much all I can think of, out of the comics I read

Baron Von Waffle
This one (http://mikeandnix.keenspace.com/archive/00005.htm) might disqualify me, but other than than that Mike & Nix (mikeandnix.keenspace.com) is family friendly, though I don't imagine that younger kids will get the jokes.

Mine is more like PG-13, but you should definitely check out Count Your Sheep (http://sheep123.keenspace.com/)
and Catharsis (http://catharsiscomic.com).
Not that you don't know about those already.

For other mild mannered comics check out Quicksketch (http://catharsiscomic.com/quicksketch/). Might be what you're looking for, I dunno.

EDIT: I see you already listed Count Your Sheep. Good for you.

hmm...mines sorta border line G-PG, i'd say. the only thing that'd disqualify me might be 'british cursing', as an example can be found here (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic66.html). so its your call. heh- i've a feeling that disqualifies me, though.

PC Weenies (http://www.pcweenies.com) is a good one, too. i can't think of any cursing or anything i've ever seen in it.

if you want either one, here are the buttons:
http://www.claytonheat.com/images/linkbuttons/pcweenies.gif http://www.claytonheat.com/images/linkbuttons/88x31button.gif

I think I might be g-rated...

My comic totally G-rated. Why, its got G-strings all over the place!

*darts eyes from side to side

So I guess thats a no then...

:lol: I'm going to be pretty strict about the G-rated thing, so British cursing probably won't work (I have flash turned off so I can't check that instance right now). The escort reference one probably does disqualify you... :3 I know kids aren't as innocent as G-rated things like to treat them, but I am kinda goin' for a goal here.

Didn't know about Catharsis... or the quicksketch comics, they look promising! No time to check out anyone tonight though.

Just as a rule of thumb, if you kinda or think you might be rated G, you might wanna make sure. :3 I know it's easy to forget if you ever did a sex joke or used a swear word or something.

Thanks for the response so far. :D

Well, I know that Joel and Steve says "crap" and "poop", and the worst thing I have on there is the recent reference (http://joelsteve.bolloxcomics.co.uk/20031001.html) to a full-body cavity search. But, for the record, my ultra-conservative, 90-year-old grandmother highly enjoys the strip. And, I've never gotten an Objectionable Content report from Comics Sherpa.

So, yea or nay?

http://joelsteve.bolloxcomics.co.uk/links/link1.gif http://joelsteve.bolloxcomics.co.uk/links/link2.gif http://joelsteve.bolloxcomics.co.uk/links/link3.gif

Steve Hogan
My strip is inappropriate for all ages.

Steve Ince's site seems like it would be appropriate for kids, especially the "Sapphire Claw" story.


Joel and Steve is fine. :D (Well, it's better than fine, but for linking purposes, is good!)
I'll check out Juniper Crescent... thanks!

Erik the Hack
Joel and Steve is fine. :D (Well, it's better than fine, but for linking purposes, is good!)
I'll check out Juniper Crescent... thanks!Mine is probably G-rated (I always #$%! out any curse words), but young kids probably wouldn't find it very entertaining... :bubblegum

the dude
dang, I thought this thread was going to be a call for guest strips *sulks*

There's no swear words, violence, hatred, sexual, or anything marginally sane about my comic. However, I do have two instances that have vague references to drugs that'll probably disqualify it.

Steve Ince
I've redesigned the website for What I Learned Today (http://www.whitestorm.com/wilt) and I'm looking to fill some 88x31 link spots.
I rather like your What I Learned Today. I shall bookmark it. I'll try and remember to put up a link when I update my site.

Although I don't aim it at kids (I don't aim it at anyone in particular) I consider my strip to be all-ages friendly. Take a look and see if you agree. One guy I knew used The Sapphire Claw strip in one of his classes.

Edit: I should have checked the whole thread before posting. Steve Hogan pre-empted me. Thanks Steve. What a guy! :)

no violence above disney cartoon level

Now would that be old-school disney (a la Bambi's mother getting shot), or new-school disney (where Simba's dad gets trampled to death)? I think that's an important point to get clarified.

Steve Ince
And what about the dancing elephants sequence in Dumbo?

Oo! Oo! And what about Toy Story? I mean, if I knew kids were reading comics about "Woody" and "Buzz", I'd be a little disturbed...

Steve Hogan
What about "THREE CABELLEROS"? I swear Donald was ready to gang rape half of Latin America in that one.

"Three Cabelleros" done got hacked to pieces because of all the tobacco smoking, shame.

Steve Hogan
Disney makes me cry blood sometimes.

Heh, I can see we've gotten off track.
Anyways, Namir Deiter (http://www.namirdeiter.com) is good. I can't remember a sex joke, and language is no problem. My comic is out for language (and soon kung-fu action), finding G stuff is tough, PG is easy, and MA is the easiest, but G is just brutal.

Y'all know what I meant when I said Disney cartoon violence. :3 I shouldn't have put in "disney" though because then I keep thinking of the lust song in Hunchback and the silhouette hanging in Tarzan... curse you all for being technical!

my comic is definetly G. well..my current storyline is about dressing up as a devil cow...but i dont think that would disqualify me, would it?

my comic is definitely G-rated

Hey, you specified no swearing or smuttyness and I don't do that and my stuff can be read by all ages. Educational too.... maybe.
My sig is the 31X88 you seek.

Spaztic Plastic (http://www.spazticplastic.com) I would think is G rated... anybody disagree? I can't think of any offensive material in this comic..

Hey, you specified no swearing or smuttyness and I don't do that and my stuff can be read by all ages. Educational too.... maybe.
My sig is the 31X88 you seek.


heres my button

hurrah! I will check all these out over the weekend and add 'em on Monday :3 Thanks for all the helpfulness!

After looking over my archives, i'm (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic70.html) definatly (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic64.html) disqualified (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic59.html) from (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic51.html) any (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic46.html) linkage (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic38.html) to (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic37.html) WILT (http://www.claytonheat.com/comics/comic34.html).

...i have to much spare time

Ha and they laughed when I said I could make a comic that takes place in a toliet.

Then cast me out when I said it was also G rated! AND BEAT ME! WITH STICKS!


G Raided (http://www.drunkduck.com/G_Raided)