: I need another char

Alright me and my friend are making our own little comic, the bad hing is we need 1 more character...i have one already down there -points- and i cant think oif one for me friend, any idears?

and also that character almost looks like me, just not as cool =/ but anyways yet again any ideas?

Here, use this one:

Just kidding.

that really helps.. now please can someone post somehing that could actually help!? i ask a simple question....and get a stupid answer....

its your comic...you make your own characters.

however, just to be helpful, i suggest a large breasted, round buttoxed vixen who only wears bikinis. its a sure fire hit.

Baron Von Waffle
This guy:


This guy:


:errr: ...grandpa?!

...i'll stop now.

My gosh, this forum is full of complete iddiots...

I don't think its that we're idiots (although some of us are)...

But if you are going to do a webcomic, the characters should be of your own design. For one thing, you are the only person who knows what kind of comic it is going to be. The genre can make a hug difference in the character design.

Also, the author (you) needs to have some sort of a connection with the characters. Otherwise, story ideas will quickly dry up and you won't be able to make the characters believable. If you leave it to other authors to design your characters for you, you're basically signing your webcomic's death warrant.

Basically, I guess it boils down to the fact that if you can't come up with two of your own characters, what hope do you have to come up with a comic to put them in?

Finnaly, someone who posted something useful, thanks 4 the advice, im making something now, me friend...

Raven L.
He isnt the only one working on that comic im helping him with it im his pal but now were acctuly gonna draw the im a very good drawer so that should work (art school waste of ma time) :)

Hello war =D, or raven i should say me and him are ones making the comic, so yeah.... lol. amd the thing i was just making, was a complete bomb.... so we either gonna do drawing, or just find something else lol

Raven L.
yow snake nice comics im roling around laughing

I think the reason why you weren't getting any serious suggestions was that between the two of you you couldn't come up with a single character idea. It's not exactly rocket science! Just think of some traits and model the character around them!

Alcoholic magician! Cross dressing clown! Juggler with arthritis! Businessman with a chicken for a head!

hot lesbian. zombie fetus.

Grammar teacher!

Oh, wait, you'd need some help with that one.

Steve Hogan
Alcoholic magician! Cross dressing clown! Juggler with arthritis! Businessman with a chicken for a head!

Laugh now, but all those people will be put together in a townhouse on an MTV reality show in the near future.

Good thing I don't get mtv

He isnt the only one working on that comic im helping him with it im his pal but now were acctuly gonna draw the im a very good drawer so that should work (art school waste of ma time) :)

A very good "drawer" ? So you are good at holding underpants and socks?

My gosh, this forum is full of complete iddiots...
I always find it ironic when somebody misspells an insult, especially attacks on ones intelligence. You igneraant bastord!!!

someone has a grammar problem.. and plus we did get a comic idea we just need one person i couldnt draw the pixel thing, but i have a new idea anywhos :P

Raven L.
Well were working on some thing we all ready have pixel chars :D

Man nice one dude lol

Raven L.
Hehe hers an other one

Man, you did NOT just ruin my childhood memories of sonic 2 for some crappy animation

This thread gave me a good laugh.

On your site, Animation's 2 & 3 were... ...ent.
I'm not gonna coment of your comic at all because of your lack thereof. 1 comic & 1 animation... Well, good luck being funny on your future ones & good luck making your text more readable & your images less grainy.

And That People, Is When This Comic Sucked, Therefore we stop, and replan.... darn my lack of enthusiasim. And By the way, its not sonic...ITS MEGAMAN! -cough- Non Gamer -cough-

That plane is definately from a Sonic game, I forget which, but I know it is. Don't make me bust out the mega-drive and prove it!

And That People, Is When This Comic Sucked, Therefore we stop, and replan.... darn my lack of enthusiasim. And By the way, its not sonic...ITS MEGAMAN! -cough- Non Gamer -cough-

From Megaman, huh? This screenshot seems to say differently....you just added some stupid rocket to the bottom of it...
So COUGH that you communist tree-dweller, with your lame comics/animations...

SCREENSHOT SOURCE: http://www.gamescreenshots.com/fullpic.asp?category=genesis&pic_id=2536&game_id=22&gallery=0&picOrder=0

Steve Hogan

First of all, even if I couldn't clearly identify a sonic sprite when I see one...and I can...megaman was on the NES which is an 8 bit system while that is clearly a 16 bit sprite.

Secondly, even if the sprites themselves clearly didn't match, megaman doesn't feature a biplane at any point and didn't have any flight featured until that robot dog thing came along in one of the sequels.

Also Veepa; that rocket wasn't even added on by those guys, it's from the end two sequences of Sonic 2, and the biplane is also featured in Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles.

And to finish up, -COUGH- idiots -COUGH-. Non gamer indeed

And By the way, its not sonic...ITS MEGAMAN! -cough- Non Gamer -cough-Now, when a random person, who barely knows who Mario is, like a really old person or an athlete, mixes up Sonic & Megaman... That's perfectly acceptable. But when anyone within 20 years of my age (I'm 20), who's computer literate screws this up... It's just plain wrong! That plane even SAYS Sonic on the side! How bad can you get? (Well, it said that before your version had it edited out.) Listen... You shouldn't be making a comic. You have a LOT of catching up to do. A LOT! Got a Gamecube? I hope so... Grab a copy of Sonic Mega Collection & play all the games start to finish. Then get that remake Capcom is doing of Megaman 1-8. Play through them. Play at least the first 3 games of each.

And That People, Is When This Comic Sucked, Therefore we stop, and replan.... darn my lack of enthusiasim. And By the way, its not sonic...ITS MEGAMAN! -cough- Non Gamer -cough-
Uhh...since when is this something to be proud of...Mega Man is the most hated sprite used...and yeah thats why someone sugusted you use mega man before you even posted a comic.

i still like walmart man.

And That People, Is When This Comic Sucked

Really? I could have sworn it was because you're a no talent asshole.

Frankly, your comic in is sub par. Work on it, come back, and try not to be such an ass.

Hmmph, Board full of idiots + 1 it would seem.

*edit* It would seem I read the original message wrong! Board full of idiots + 2!

Doesn't change my opinion.

TitlePending, Wth? This forum requires no insults, sheesh i was talking about my own comic i dont like it anymore and jeeze, why is this topic still up?...And yes i do have talent, and i dont even know you, and you dont know me so why are you callling me an asshole? ive never said anything to you! Or Any thing that would offend you! and also, that plane maybe from sonic but the whale is from MegaManX 1 I played it....it sucked, but ya that was definitly from megaman.