: making some refinements...

i'm refining on some various styles in which i may resort to when i eventually get a web comic of my own goin' again. what you see below is one of 'em, and considering it was halloween at the time i was playin around with the style, this was what came to be...

feedback of any sort would be greatly appreciated.



Very professional looking.

Maybe it's just me, but I prefer dark lines around characters. It sort of looks like a transparency was put over the whole thing. Other than that I think it looks awesome.

I'm kind of that way too, preferring the dark lines, but sometimes they can get in the way of certain styles. This style, with its excellent use of color and contrast, does quite well without them.

Excellent work, Zeek--you ought to be producing animation for network television with that talent.

I like it like that, looks real nice. :D:D

that looks gorgeous. i think the cel-shading looks brillient personally.

reminds me of a poster i did for the brits many moons ago.

but better :P

That is glorious!

The Unknown Comic
You are becoming my visual producer of dreamland.

I am very impressed with your work. Especially the color scheme. It creates mood. :D

Stickmaster Brad
Very nice! Hope to see you make a comic again, Zeek!

hrmm... dark lines you say? i did want to have the outlines in black initially, but i wanted to get out of that...err, "commonality". so i decided to use the most reasonably darkest color of every base color as the outline color...it was incredibly tedious getting the colors just right for a clear contrast...

thanks y'all for the feedback. it's greatly appreciated.

Lovely. I like the softer outlines, although I can see how it could get annoying in the colouring process.

I do like this! I suggest, however, just a little bit more contrast. I like the colored lines, but I think an overall contrast enhancement would darken them just a little more. Very nice job!

Frank G
Good lord that's fucking beautiful, man.

Steve Hogan
Put me down in favor of the outlines you currently have. I think it fits the tone and style of the work. Looks great.

Mr Demaree
It looks great. I like the softer outlines you have now.

You know what, I think my school computer was too bright. I actually like the lines the way they are.

Czarland Junky
Kickass. I love it.

I know everyone else has said this, but that looks great! The lines really set it off nicely :)