: Art Quality

How many people here would say that their own webcomics are a shining example of their artistic abilities?

not me. i stink at drawing with a mouse. but im pretty good otherwise. Wish I had a scanner to show you.

Definitly not me. My comics arent even 2% of my artistic skills.

Yea, my comics are pretty much all the art I do, I don'treally draw anything else anymore. :/ So yeah, that's as good as it gets with me. XD

Sometimes? It depends on which page of my comics you're looking at. Some of them I'm really proud of, while others leave me feeling like I've done a lot better.

The Unknown Comic
Not me. I generally don't have the time to make something nice. I am busy all the time and there is just not enough time in the day. I would love to make a visually spectacular comic with lots of great color, but sadly this cannot be at this time.:(

is that an insult to me or to my comic?

Well, yes and no. My comic began as a real style departure for me artistically, plus with maintaining a daily schedule I sometimes have to forgo quality in order to make an update. But, since this is pretty much the only thing I really draw anymore, then it is therefore a pretty good indicator of my work.

Now the site design on the other hand, is a horrible example of my work. But it's just not something I've found the time to put into just yet.

Mine is, but only for my progressing skills in 3D work. The comic has made me learn new things, and inevitably get much better. So to answer your question, yes :).

Mine is. Before I started drawing Reality Glitch, I was only really good at painting, and projects that took weeks. I couldn't draw the human figure to save my life, now I think I've progressed a little from that.. I hope.

Reality Glitch is not only a good representation of my art skill, it is my only means of increasing that skill.

Baron Von Waffle
I'm in the "can't draw with a mouse" group, but I'm getting the hang of using flash to make my comic less visually offensive.

The "can't draw with a mouse" syndrome can be cured by one of three things.

1.) Get a Scanner
2.) Get a Wacom Tablet
3.) Get carpal tunnel from way too much mouse drawing, forcing you either to quit, or resort to step one or two.

Ian the Scribe
Well... what I do for Stuff of Legends is the best I can as far as cartoon-suitable style art goes, but I can do pen-and-ink landscapes far better than my mostly-background-free comic suggests.

-Ian the Scribe

IantheScribe: I don't know if you know this, but I linked you. You didn't have a button on your site, so I made one :evolved:. Here it is; http://www.spazticplastic.com/stuffoflegends.gif

if i drew the way i drew my comic id die. so no, its not my talent.

Ian the Scribe
IantheScribe: I don't know if you know this, but I linked you. You didn't have a button on your site, so I made one :evolved:. Here it is; http://www.spazticplastic.com/stuffoflegends.gif

Wow, thanks Glasko! I'm working on a Links page right now, so I'll definitely return the favour.

-Ian the Scribe

Yes and no.

I think on the basic drawing level, it is. But I can color and shade like a mofo, if I have enough time and motivation. I never do for my comic.

Yeah, it's about as good as I can do. I put as much as I can into every panel in the comic. A lot of it isn't as good as I'd like it, but that can't really be avoided when drawing a comic.

Stickmaster Brad
Well, judge for yourself. Here's concept art for my new comic, and some comics I made in MS Paint that show my different styles of drawing.

Hard to say, since I usualy do abstract work when I'm not drawing for the comic.

So as far as figurative work goes, I'd say yes.

I don't really draw much outside of the comic, so yes. Yes it is

Litazia Tanxashira
Here's a sketch I did recently:
A sketch (http://tog.litazia.com/lizart/litsketch.jpg)

This is rather different than how my comic normally looks... :lol:

i'd say my hand drawn art is much, much better then my stuff i do straight on the computer (such as my comic). when i draw by hand, i can add a lot more smaller details that just don't look right when i do them on the computer. even if i use my tablet. i chaulk is up to being a limitation of my style.

...or atleast thats what i tell myself.

How many people here would say that their own webcomics are a shining example of their artistic abilities?
Artistic abilities, definitely not. Storytelling, probably not either. About the only thing my comic is an example of my best work in is creative webdesign and javascript tomfoolery. There've been a lot of times where I had to find new tricks just to get a simple effect, and I was lucky enough to figure out a solution. Stuff like triggered animations, layering gifs over each other, using parts of backgrounds as fake foregrounds, synching music with animated gifs, and a jillion other things that hopefully the person reading the strip doesn't have to think about. Some of the comics I'm proudest of aren't particularly exciting to anyone other than me, but I still feel triumphant at getting the damn thing to work.

Steve Hogan
My shininess is always up for debate, but I think my strip compares favorably with other stuff I've done. Most of my other work is commercial in nature, so the comic is where I really get to indulge my interests and try out new visual ideas. It's where I really get to have my own voice visually. It's my hope that the audience can tell how much fun I'm having.

Hahahahahahaha! (I'm laughing at myself, not with myself)

I'm working on stuff that does represent my artwork a lot better...or hopefully will even go beyond what I can do right now. That just takes time.

Stickmaster Brad
Artistic abilities, definitely not. Storytelling, probably not either. About the only thing my comic is an example of my best work in is creative webdesign and javascript tomfoolery. There've been a lot of times where I had to find new tricks just to get a simple effect, and I was lucky enough to figure out a solution. Stuff like triggered animations, layering gifs over each other, using parts of backgrounds as fake foregrounds, synching music with animated gifs, and a jillion other things that hopefully the person reading the strip doesn't have to think about. Some of the comics I'm proudest of aren't particularly exciting to anyone other than me, but I still feel triumphant at getting the damn thing to work.

I dunno, making custom sprites may not be "hard," but creating all those fluid (if you can call it all fluid, being sprites and all) animations that you do are really good examples of art. A lot of people can draw, but how many can make animations that look constant and to the point? You animate a lot of things, the background, a LOT of the sprites' emotions, and just about everything else. While some may not be YOUR sprites, they still all look like they'd REALLY be video games. Until awhile ago, I thought Kid Radd was an ACTUAL video game! You fooled me that well! Why, even the other games you made up look like games that would have been made on the NES. To have such believable sprites with that many motions and such, it takes a lot of work, and it is done so well, succeding with your comic. Thumbs up and then some!

Erik the Hack
My site (http://www.dt3x.com) is definitely a good example of my artistic ability, which ain't much... :headshot:

eh, kinda