: Yep, another plug

Hey everyone, I'm interested on getting some feedback on my comic. It's a regularly updated humour strip which I'm quite enjoying creating and hopefully some people will enjoy reading. Anywho fire away, I'll be grateful for all comments, insults, crits etc.

Hoboe the Comic (http://users.ncable.net.au/~hubbard/comic/)


Frank G
I dig it, keep it up man.

I only had a chance to read some of your archives (stupid school... can't wait to gragitate collig this spring...), but I'm definitly gonna read the rest of em when I get home tonight. I gotta say, I like what I've read so far.

really nice comic...

but can u tell me how i can get my hands on a nice shiny coin for $49.95

no adress... !?!?!?

Haha sorry about that. I have had a few requests on that actually, I should have thought this scam through a bit further... Thanks for your comments.

Anybody else have anything to say? Tell me what you hate about it the most... Don't hold back.

I laughed at the one about the ether.

Some promising stuff there I think, I freaked out when it started with a "hey, this is the first comic" and had a "hey look! the author!" but I will admit that I do like it after reading the archives.

Steve looks like a glukkon...must be the purple suit and occasional lack of arms...

What do I hate? Uh, it's a bit blurry, maybe try to sharpen your images a bit...

All I can see. Tops! Four thumbs sideways!

Hehe yeah I didn't think of that, but you're right... he is kinda like a glukkon, I guess that's where I ripped that aspect from :) Blurry, eh? Haven't heard that before... Hmmm, I draw them at about 4x the scale and scale them down for the web, never thought it was blurry myself... 'cept the first one when I didnt know how I should draw it... Anyway, thanks a lot :)