: Newspaper style funnies.

Just wondered how many of you guys consider your strips to be in the newspaper style funnies catagory.
I only ask because sometimes I think I wish there was a separate catagory for just those. What do you think the chances of this ever happening and does anyone agree with me?
The comedy catagory is all well and good but surely you newspaper guys must sometimes think the word 'comic' and 'strip' don't mean the same thing.

sometimes i tell people mine is.

but i say it just to get them all flustered. "Its not FUNNY! it won't fit in a paper!"

i'm baaaa-aaaaad........

mine is without a doubt a part of that category. in fact, that's really one of my goals. i think if you give the work a look, you'll see what i mean.

i really don't see enough strips that are newspaper-geared unfortunately, so i never really gave any thought to separating it into a new category.

when it all comes down to it, everyone is creating something unique, newspaper or not. i'm just happy to be a part of the community.

Erik the Hack
I agree that there is a big difference in style between a syndication-oriented (i.e. newspaper style) strip and your basic, freeform web comic. My current syndication attempt is 100% newspaper-geared, while my previous web comics have been very much not. Personally, as a writer, I approach them very differently, and you pretty much have to. There are lots of t's to cross and i's to dot when you put together a syndication-type strip, whereas you can just go nuts in a web comic, and not worry about any of those restrictions.

Personally, I like working in both worlds, for different reasons. I enjoy the straight web comic, because it gives me the freedom to do pretty much whatever I want and please myself, whereas the newspaper strip is an interesting challenge, because you have to find a way to effectively express your ideas within an environment of limitations...

Great idea for a thread, btw! :)

Baron Von Waffle
My humor would fit well in the paper, but I doubt my stick-figure style would.

I'd last about a week before I'd have to blow up a zombie or something, I think. :/ Newspapers aren't for me. :) It's a noble goal to aim for though. Push out the stuff that SHOULDN'T be there. Go Suzie View! XD

The Unknown Comic
I've been acused of this style.
*shakes fist* Damn you nespaper hugging...uh, people...

wait a second, they're right.
*takes back fist shaking*

If you read the Book of Job's every second letter backward, it clearly states that it's simply impossible for me to make anything under any kind of restrictions.

Whichever they may be.

Actually, I AM curious to know exactly the does and do not of newspaper stripts... is there a site explaining this somewhere ?

Basically if you want to do a newspaper strip (ie; suitable for syndication) it has to fit within certain size guidelines, you have to pretty much stick to g rated materials and have to maintain a religious update schedule *cough*piro*cough*. Usually daily

I was working on a syndication style comic that was black and white... but...

Time fucked me, and I put the project on hold.

Steve Hogan
I'm pretty much convinced that daily newspaper strips are marching towards oblivion. (Which is a shame, because in their prime they defined the medium)
Weekly strips are generally better, but I know enough people near the top of that foodchain with that to know it's less and less of a winning proposition these days either.

I'm committed to the web as the main vehicle for my strip because I feel it gives me a chance to give it all I've got. There's no clear rosey future, but it's still uncharted warters.

Steve Ince
Of my own strips, Juniper Crescent was modelled specifically in the style of a newspaper strip with an intentionally wide appeal. Whether that has worked is up for judgement. :)
The Sapphire Claw, whilst using some of the same characters as JC was done with a little nod to Bone, though I don't profess to being anywhere near the quality of that particular comic.
Dane & Joe is very much a web-based strip, but I've used the same visual format as JC simply as I like to work that way.

In terms of format and size, mine is complely newspaper comic style. I do b&w dailies, color Sunday. But the content, which is still pretty benign, exceeds the standards for newspapers, who usually don't even allow "damn" or "crap".

I also do some specials where the dailies are in color, which obviously u can't do in the papers.

My First strip (In Other News - inothernews.net) was made specifically for the newspaper market, and we're happily published in 12 American Papers.

I created Least I Could a few short months later because I was sick of being edited, and wanted a medium where the only limits were the ones I set for myself.

To tell u the truth i don't really have a clue where my stuff fits..
I think it's a bit too odd for newspapers.. (I like it that way).
It's must be a lot of pressure to do this stuff professionally... trying to be funny everyday and nail the artwork!
What do those newspaper guys get paid? Is it a lot?