: Anyone else having problems?

Every so often the boards will load up really slowly, or not at all. And just recently I would click on a thread and absolutely nothing would show up.

Is it just me, or are other noticing this too?

yea i've had that happen, i think TWC is outgrowing its bandwidth

Working fine for me.. it's Keenspot that's not working for me though...

yea the comic's up its at http://www.elgoonishshive.com/comics/egs20031106.gif

if i can get it i'll post a link to it on my server, just be gentle, i know there can't be too many bunnies here who have the entire url of the forums memorized like me

EDIT: well well it just finished, i'll have a link up here


hope you dont get mad dan it'll only be up for a day, or until keenspot behaves

Hmm. I can't imagine the amounts of bandwidth and server space they need for everything that they're hosting. Can't be cheap.

Hope it clears up though. :)

Posted in wrong thread, my bad

I'm noticing this problem occasionally.

It has happened like this once before since I've been here, but it cleared up after a day or so.

Yep, it really slows down sometimes. Bothersome enough to irritate but not enough to make me do something about it.

Yep, it really slows down sometimes. Bothersome enough to irritate but not enough to make me do something about it.
well its like i've said i'm perfectly willing, with dans permission, to setup a temporary mirror that could do everything it could to get the comic, and have it up while it sees that keenspot is having problems and at the point it stops it'd take it down. i'm a perl guru and a linux guru so i could easily write an automated script for this.

yeah I have noticed that the server has been slowing down lately, and yesterday it wouldn't pull up at all, anyone else get this problem?

Yeah, I'd have to say it started working 2 days ago for me.

Currently I'm not seeing any pictures such as "edit.gif" "reply.gif". Smileys and avatars work though.