: oh no! the end has come!

im lost for words....one of the best strips came to end on november 5th 2003...i hope we all know which...


*weep* i'll miss those bloom county style drawings!

atleast ill always have the beautiful desktop pics... I also hope that you get a book collection of some sort, and that your artistic mind comes back and you create another comic (or continue this one).

*coughcoughallreadydonecoughcough* (http://www.webcomic.net/forums/showthread.php?t=35148)

*coughcoughallreadydonecoughcough* (http://www.webcomic.net/forums/showthread.php?t=35148)

um...i know that, this was just commemorating that so people knew...that thread was made on october 9th....a month ago. dont you think some people might have missed it?

also, notice how the title of my thread is "the end HAS come". Uh..has is past tence.

locked. let's not begin repeating ourselves kids!