: Changing Storylines

Ian the Scribe
Okay, so up until about a week ago, Stuff of Legends has had a pretty strong through-line for the different stories (storyline A ends with something that propels the start of storyline B, etc.). Now I'm doing some self-contained, fairly short storylines that don't immediately tie in with what's gone before, and I'm worried that the transitions are too choppy.

So how do any of you handle storyline transitions? Should I add something to the start of new storylines, like an in-panel title, or a "The Next Day:" text block? I suppose the question it comes down to is, do my transitions feel uneven to you?

Thanks very much,

-Ian the Scribe

transitioning can be a tricky thing, sometimes.

i think its OK to go for a total of a 3 story run, and string them together. thats what i plan on doing. actually, i plan on doing two. if you just do one story and then end it, you run the risk of a 'sequelitis' thing plauging you.

i'd say the best thing you can do is drop hints, even if they seem unrelated int he earlier story. although it seems like that might not be a possibility for you at this point. looks like you're about finished.

its good to do short, little stories, though. those can actually be better for character develupment and such. giving your audience small doses of your characters emersed in thier elements can be a good thing. plus, little story arcs can make it so people start saying, "ok, i'm ready for something big, now"

personally, i plan on having a night-to-day panel transition, and picking up the next story in a news paper head line.