: PROM ON MARS - critique away!

Hey there. Okay... Let me know what you think!


Hey there. Okay... Let me know what you think!


I recall this webcomic being featured on SomethingAwful's Awful Link of the Day. I haven't taken a look at it though.

Yeah, it was featured on Somethingawful.com.

With good reason.

>sigh< I've been ruined by something awful. Oh well.

Anyone unbiased out there - ?

I don't mind negative feedback, I was just looking for something a little more in-depth than "you suck!" or "your mother sucks!" - which tends to be the typical SA feedback.

Rabid Fan
I can't give a crit, (just passing by) but hopefully someone will so I'll bump it up the forums...


-your site design is weird. i don't like it. particularly the way the comics archive is one huge list of the comics. its no good.
-don't use times.
-don't use comic sans...its ugly.
-red on black= baaad
-you copy and paste almost every panel. it looks bad.
-the writing i found to be a little flat, all-over-all. your dialouge was OK, but could use some work. the over all story, i'm not sure about, as i only read some of your strips. i didn't read them all because, simply, they were boring to look at. and thats your biggest problem, right now.

i hope that helps.

Fair enough. Thanks for the comments.