: What is harder for you?

I was just wondering if writing the humor (or in some cases drama) is harder for you guys or if drawing the comic is harder for you? Or some combination of the both?

I have about an equal time I guess. Sometimes I sit and stare blankly at my comic waiting for an idea to come. And other times I have ideas that are just really hard to draw.


Although writing the comic has all gotten a lot easier since I started doing story based strips, as opposed to random humor, that shizzle is tough.

Since Stories continue, and are multifaceted, you've always got a relatively easly direction to go into. It's making the words flow out of my characters moughts naturally, and in a funny way that flattens the whole situation out to an even 50/50.

the drawing, definatly. the writing comes to me with ease at this point. and really, requires absoutly no time. drawing, though...that takes time. i'm trying to get used to using my pen again...i got spoiled by the ease of the mouse...which takes WAAAAAAAAAAY longer to do then w/ the pen.

of course, i'm sure if i had a daily humor type strip, the writing would be much, much more difficult.

Considering my characters are all stick figures... ;P

Definatly the drawing for me. I usually think of about 10 new comic ideas a day. But I can't draw for anything so more often than not the idea isn't expressed how I want it.

Dark Artist
The writing for me is harder. I have been drawing for years and years but writing is something I have never really tried before I started a comic.

The hardest of all is finding the time. I have so many ideas and places I want my story to go but takes forever to get there.

I have to think more when I write it.

Drawing just takes more time.

Well, for me the initial writing is fairly easy. I pretty much know how the story goes, I just have to add teh funny.

The drawing takes a while, though I've gotten many of the regular characters down pretty good now, so I can just generalize my pencil sketches of them now.

The way I do it is that I write my general outline, then I thumbnail it, then I start pencilling the pages and write and rewrite stuff there, then I finally finalize the script just before I send it to my brother for toning. It's entirely possible that all the scripting I had done at this point could get thrown out for something better.

So my writing and drawing are so connected, I'm not sure what takes longer, or which is harder.

If I were writing prose, that would be easier. If I were drawing pinups, that would be easier. Instead I write comics, so it's all more difficult. :)

...but a good kind of difficult.

I'm an English major. 'Nuff said.

Frank G
Well, since I don't draw, the writing is the hardest part :) But in that process, the gags bit is easy, I have enough gags to last me through to next century. However, the act of sitting down and writing it from start to finish, well, that's a little trickier.

Drawing things the same way they look in my head. ARGH.

Litazia Tanxashira
Fleshing out my ideas tends to be hard, so I'll go with "writing." Note that this is why I try to work ahead of time on the writing side as much as possible! :D

Steve Hogan
The writing takes a lot less time, but it involves a lot of crying and head pounding.

The "drawing". Heck, I have sprites and it still takes me way too long. I have the entire thing planned out, but acually making it is taking a long time... Hence updates only thrice a week.

I should so learn to draw. At least then there would be an excuse for my lethargy.

The writing. I've yet to suffer from drawer's block.

The Unknown Comic
Drawing just flows out.

You have to be original when writing.

"I'm an English major. 'Nuff said."


You could be an English Major and still have no imagination.

You can't do that. They'll, like, shoot you.

since I don't have to maintain continuity, drawing takes ages. Of course if I'm trying to do something serious it never goddamn works and I'll waste an hour trying to think of non-corny dialogue

Pretty cut down the middle for me, dude. Because, even if I catch myself in a short block... the artwork becomes equally as difficult to execute. So, 50/50

You could be an English Major and still have no imagination.

You could, but then you probably shouldn't being doing something creative like making a comic. I actually struggle with my writing, but when my pickiness is applied to my handdrawn stuff...well let's just point out that I don't have my handdrawn comic up yet, even though I've had issue one written for a year. I can identify my writing faults faster and actually fix them. Whereas I've had problems with proportion for 23 years. Everytime I think I've made progress, I come back and see that the neck's twice as long (http://www.thesods.net/bjart/images/bellarie2.jpg) or something's wrong with the overall composition.

The writing. I've yet to suffer from drawer's block.

Yeah but haven't you ever had something that you just couldn't draw? I hate it when I want to draw something but I just can't seem to make the picture look right.

Lately I haven't been having a problem with either...man it's great. I hope I can keep this up...

It really depends on the mood I'm in I think.

Everyonce in a while my hand stops doing what my brain is telling it. Those days, the drawing is definitly a lot worse than the writing. I quickly learned that those are the days that I should just "pool my resources" and try to come up with some more story/joke ideas.

Then on the days that I'm drawing a blank of page ideas, I can fall back on my reserve of ideas that I built up previously.

Alex - Anime-tion
I think writing teh funny is the hardest thing to do. I've written a shitload of story already, I just need to make & render the comics and add the funny.