: What directions do you suggest for the future of my comic?

I will graduate next semester, and it's got me thinking about what I should do with the comic. so I thought I should get your guy's suggestions.
Should I have the comic me graduate to and have adventures in "the real world," or should I continue with the college plots?
If I switch to real world, should I change the title to something like Surreal Me?
Should I leave old cast members as I will be doing in real life and gain new ones? I'll also be going to Japan for a while, and it'd be hard to transport the other characters.
Anybody have examples of comics that have dealt with these types of changes?

I did this same thing. Heh, I'm even going to Japan. What I did was to plan a "Season 2" In season 2 I am going to have 1 character leave town, and the plot is going to follow her, since she is the only character not based on a real person. This way life, and people never interfere with my comic again, and since she was really one of the main characters anyway, I don't lose my fanbase.

I mean there are a myriad of things you *can do. The thing is, in the end, you've got to figure out your own solution.

Random Note: I always read your last name as DarkBull.

Random Note: I always read your last name as DarkBull.:lol: that's one of the more interesting ones I've heard. Maybe I'll see you in Japan.

Litazia Tanxashira
The short answer is, do whatever you feel comfortable with.

The long answer:
It depends on what kind of comic you want to produce. If you have a lot of good "real world" ideas, go with the real world. If you have a lot of "college life" ideas, stick with college life. Nothing says your characters *have* to age (or change) with you. I mean, my characters haven't really "aged," even though we've had obvious passage of time.

Character wise, it depends again. What/who works in your comic and what doesn't? That's when you phase characters in and out, not because of some arbitrary boundary.

As for your characters moving to Japan with you, I thought of two silly possibilities:
(1) Epstein invents transporter technology.
(2) They all stow away in your luggage.
This, of course, assumes you want to bring all those characters with you. :D

have you considered the possibility of ending it and starting something completely new? i agree that you should do whatever you feel most comfortable with, though.

the reason i suggest something new is that there is a possibility you could end up w/ a "saved by the bell: the college years" thing going on, where are the characters are out of thier element that people are used to.

everything has an end, too. having the comics ending coincide w/ graduation might be the best chance you ever get to end it. it would certianly beat putting the pencil down a few years from now, having the audience know there are still tons of possibile stories to be told.